Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Freeloaders, Fakes and Haters (THEY ALL MUST DIE!!!!)

Ok, I really have a problem with free loaders, you know them niggas that will sit there and borrow shit so long you think its theirs! "He, you got a weed eater I can use I dont know what happen to mine....wait....thats my damn weed eater!" Or " Hey man, can I bum a cigarette?" This is the same nigga that bums a cigarette every day from you, and you wonder "damn, how much money have I spent giving this fool cigarettes?" Or the free loader that walks up to you for a cigarette and you give em one "Oh naw dude, I dont do menthol" Why dude you allergic? "No, I just dont like em"....You come ask me for a cigarette and you wont take it because it aint the type you like?! Go shove a Lit extra large Cuban cigar up your ass and drink gasoline! how In the hell do you free load and be picky!? these people need to be beaten to death by homeless people! Or if you go over to someones house and drink and eat all their shit and dont even bring plastic cups, you are live ho on some real shit! If I dont know the person Ill atleast bring something, I dont care If I bring porkchops to a muslim get together, at least I brought something. I may be cheap but I have respect which these freeloading bastards dont have! These mother fuckers are professional homeless people or have t rex syndrome (Deep pockets and short arms) are the fucking worst. You got good money, you dont spend it on shit, atleast buy a bottle of coke for a damn BBQ!
Haters and fakes, these sons of bitches go hand and hand! The people that smile in your face and then talk shit about you behind your back. For you haters and fakes, yall are bitch made and need to grab your ankles all the time! In some cases I love the hate because that means I have something people want or doing better things than they are. "Look at this nigga man, He aint no real nigga cuz, he wears tight jeans and chucks, and he dont like little wayne, he listens to that white boy shit rock music, he likes lupe man, who the fucks likes lupe!?" You are just mad because I can where tight jeans and dont want to be a gangster wannabe like you, you're mad because I have a bigger spectrum of music and can hold a conversation with your sister, your girl, hell even your mama! "she aint shit, she wearing gucci like i am, she aint fresh like me" What because she can shop at old navy and look better than you on your best day you fendi knock off, fake DKNY you got from the hair store, and that coach bag that you man got you from the swap meet triffling ho! And you fakes....oh it just like the bastards at work," we think you are a good addition to the team Bugg......(soon as I walk away) that gangster peice of shit is gonna fuck up and Ima make sure of it" Or " hey man congrats on the marrige....(soon as they walk away) Ima fuck his wife soon as I get the chance!" Remember Karma is a bitch, and she will fuck you right or the person you are fake around will bust your skull open when you are not looking.
Logic: Freeloading will kill friendships or in some situations get your ass whipped, if you have the money, go get you own shit, if you dont have the money, get a job or dont do shit and save your money.
Fakes and haters must die, because someone is doing better than you, get on their level, dont get your hate up get you wieght up and step into the ring like a champ!
BuGg LoGiC

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