Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mixing of the racies and ethnic cleansing (oh these fuckers are just dumb!)

Watching "blood in the Face" about white america and rise to power. One thing really stuck out to me " People think being interracial is accepted, what ever happen to I just dont want to date a nigger" Ok, you dumb bitch, no one is forcing you to date a black dude! No one is sticking a gun to your head and saying " You is gonna date this moon cricket or I is gonna paint the wall with your brains!" No one is doing that! And if you dont want a certain person idology forced upon you, dont force yours on somebody else! If your home girls wants to date one of us "Jungle bunnies" let her, it aint hurting you (unless your jelous that she can pull a ethnic man and you cant!) And then a grand wizard of the klan, who infact looked like merlin off of disney's sword and the stone, said that "you wont see many blacks in the construction business due to their laziness" No, that is incorrect sir, you will not see any blacks or whites for that fact in construction due to the cheap labor (ahem Mexican immagrants) coming into this country. Then this hobbit looking bastard continued on to say " the only thing blacks can do is play sports for 4 months out of the year and get so much money, but a white man busts his hump and he gets nothing, its not fair!" Well maybe if you had worked on your dribble my man, you would be playing ball with us spades! Maybe if you worked on your footwork maybe you could be, dare I say it....a white running back (GASP!) Oh this is the best part, one lady compares all other races to animals "well you dont see a bear mate with a dear"....lady I hope you die from choking on....pause for effect.......black penis! You see diffent types of breeds of the same species make some animals you cant help but love, like the mutt that is in your back yard that you trained to hate niggas, spics, jews (which I cant tell the difference unless you tell me your last name) that is mixed between a doverman and a fucking chow chow!

Oh and then these idoits say that generations in the bible meant race!....Really bitch? Really? So you mean to tell me everyone in the bible that kept their generations clean was white? Get the fuck out of here. And then when the Second coming of Christ comes, there will be ethnic cleansing......Last time I read the bible Jesus had " hair were white as white wool, white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;feet like unto burnished brass, as if it had been refined in a furnace; and his voice as the voice of many waters" Revelations 1:15. What does that mean to me well" If you have voice of many waters or if you have sailed at all, you her the voices and dilect of what ever country you go to. Hair white like sheeps wool, that just means he had wisdom! Eyes red like fire, he was tired, He bared the salvation of the HUMAN RACE on his back, and lets talk about the feet. Some people can say that ," Well he was of Middle Eastern or African descent" I say I see a nigga with some dirty ass feet! Have you seen someone who never wheres shoes outside? They are kinda bronzey doncha think?! So we dont know what Jesus was ethnically, but did you get the message he was preaching?! And if God wants to ethnically cleanse the human race, Im ready to go to hell, for I am all mixed up and I love myself and if the God almighty who created me doesnt like me, send me to sheol (or the abyss) because the God I worship loves me for me!

Logic: Its ok and cool to just want to date your race, that is fine and dandy, but dont push that it is morally and religiously wrong to marry outside your race or have mixed children. And if you do, I pray to God that you have all mixed Grand kids. And If God doesnt like mixing of the races well hell, we are all going, and I do mean all, because if you are a pure (insert race here) you are inbred. God meant for us to go forth and be fruitful ( meaning get it on and keep the HUMAN race going!) And believe you me, Im not pissing "The big guy off"

BuGg loGiC

Jesus says its ok

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