Thursday, September 1, 2011

The whole story, Look and a Prayer, Control over emotions

The whole story, Look and a Prayer, Control over emotions (For people that say Im too harsh, read this and you see why I can liv

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 1:09pm
I hate hypocrits, i really do. I dont care if you attack me I dont, I dont care if you attack me on some else behalf, I dont care, but everyone knows there is truth to what I say. And you really shouldnt attack people if you do not know the whole story and you wont because you only listen to one person and not the other. You are outside looking in, but you see only whats in the living room, you dont see whats going on upstairs, around the corner, blind spots and in closets (some people are on the down low) But you will never know until you are in that house living that life. If your friends post" Man she's a bitch, she took all my shit out of the apartment" And all you say is"Yeah, shes a bitch!" little do you know that bitch owned everything in that apartment! And when your friend starts being honest with themselves or when they get caught up,not only do they look stupid but you look stupid! With the things I have posted I have been called " Asshole, Loser" and have been told" Fuck you, you aint shit for talking about me" when, honestly swear to God, I have hit this person up in years, and they think its all about them. Its not, as everyone here can tell what I say pertains to alot of people. What I say may sting a little at first or open your eyes later and if you follow some of the things I say beside me sayin to kill yourself(ha ha), it tells you to be you and dont let anyone change you, to live your life, to have fun but to think about it first. Logic is the first line of defense when it comes to life. I know following your heart is good and all, but God gave you a brain to think and to weigh options. If the fucking stove is hot, dont put your hand on it, if eating burritos makes you have painful shits, dont eat burritos.
Talk to God or your higher power, then look at yourself. No one can change you only you can change you. I cant stand it when people say," well my boy friend use to hit me now I dont trust any man, he changed me" No he didnt, you allowed that to go on and you stayed, all you had to do was leave. What is the key word? YOU! "Man, woman keeps cheating on me now I have the clap, she changed the way Ima treat these ho's" Noooooo jack ass, you allowed that to happen, you slept with miss gang bang without a jimmy hat and you got burned, not every woman is like her, you had that choice to kick rocks. Key word, YOU. Being dead serious, go to your higher power whole heartedly, say a prayer "God who am I and what should I do, I come to you with an open heart and open mind and am ready for your spirit to work through me" Then look in the mirror, and if you dont like what you see, change it. You keep your higher power in your heart, you walk with your head held high because you are going to make it! If you cant do that, just end it now, its no use of you taking up space for people that have a reason to do better.
You give people control over your emotions, only you can control your emotions. There is no reason to dwell in the past or make plans for the future. Because if you have one foot in the past and one foot in the future, you shit on today. Dont give those people the joy of taking your joy, that includes me. The better you can control your emotions the better you can control your life. I can tell you my life aint the greatest but Im happy. Because for the first time in my life, I truly dont give a furry rats ass about other people that aint gonna do anything but hold me down or the crab bucket effect (look it up, its pretty cool). "Fuck thatBitch!" that bitch just took your joy. "That nigga makes me sick" that nigga just took your joy. If an elephant took a big steamy shit all over me, should I be mad for the rest of that day? NNNNOOOPPPPEEE! thats why there are rivers to wash yourself off. If you have terminal cancer, you gonna lay there and let cancer make you its bitch? Hell no, you get up and you see the world or fucking sky dive (and to me that is a form of suicide jumping out of a perfectly good plane, but anyway) It took my almost 24 years and alot of pain to figure this out. Dont wait too long
If you dont know the whole situation, stay out of it, it just makes you look dumb
Talk to your higher power and look in the mirror, if it is change you want that prayer and long hard stare can get you there
Dont let anyone and I mean anyone, your kids, spouse, significant other or even the family cat( fuck I hate cats) take your joy or control your emotions, because as human beings we are born then we die, why not live in between?
BuGg LoGiC
now that shit is funny!

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