Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Going off the handle and The old ladies (hug your moms now)

You know people say things that hurt and I know that I say them alot. But when a you attack someone out of rage it can: A say lies to hurt some one, B:See the person for who they really are. You will never know what they're true intentions are..."And thats why you are not a man with one ball!" Or "thats why you cant keep a man, because you get used like toilet paper, every man shits on you and thows you away!" And you really cant blame the person for feeling rage, we are all guilty of it. Like you never just got enraged when someone says or does something to you because you make them mad. I have seen people cheat, i have seen people cheat infront of the significant other at the same party, I have seen women take bats to a niggas car, Ive seen men putting thier shit on blast for everyone to know...."Oh yeah, I just want everyone to know, Shelly has herpes!" Kinda fucked up right, no because earlier that week, she said that she said to him" You aint shit, your mom died because of you!" Fucked up right, but no it comes from more than that, because a month ago, this guy lost her grandmothers necklace and she let it stew and let it be for a month but deep down inside she was fucking furious but she let it be bottled up and she said something she really didnt mean that hurt her man, then ofcourse being a human he tries to hurt her back, and it is a vicious circle. But because we are all human, we are guilty of intentionally hurting someone. "Well go find someone else when you want to commit suicide!" ....We were talking about where we should eat dinner... and thats when it starts, because it can be that other person , but remember what I say you have find what is wrong with you and fix it before you go off the handle on someone else. It can lead to something way worse.

But one thing is when you go off the handle, your mom will calm you the fuck down, and shit even calm your friends down. Mom, he cheated on me and ima burn his house down! "No your not, you are gonna survive and guess what, he fucked up, now lemme make you some peach cobbler" just that peach cobbler will make you shut the fuck up and you will forget why you were mad. Mom, man she took everything, kids, the dog, my flat screen mom ima kill this bitch! " No your not, she fucked up, the kids can come see me, I still have your tv from when you were young, and I got a couch for you to sleep on, you want some pork chops and mash potatoes?" Your mom solved all your problems right then and there and she cooked you a dinner, you are on hush mouth for real. Even if she aint your mama, she still is that person to go to, if its your auntie, grandma or your best friends mom because your mom is fucking up or your mom aint there! My T-lady (which dudes in houston call there moms when they are talkin to there home boys or other people in general) she stay being everyone else mama, advice, cooking for them, braiding hair for free (you know damn well, nigga you get your hair done for free, designed braids like fishbones for free? that is love right there!) She may had, to me, make my life a living hell at times but she is my mama she loves me and loves the people that love me unconditionally! I cant be my mama, my son brings around some bummy ass friend, eating all my shit....that nigga is going to be flat on his face real quick. My mama...nope, her heart is too big, mine did a reverse grinch, that mother fucker shrank! But T-lady, old lady, the lady, the woman of the house is a bad bitch and I say bitch because she is a ride or die woman!

Logic: Sometimes you cant help what comes out of your mouth, but when it does think about it, and see if there is something really wrong with them or you or both.

Your mom may have been mean ass hell, hypocrit, and she will never agree with you but you know you have a good mother, a True T-lady, you love her as much as you can, and you learn from it, and you open your heart like they did and be a better generation of mothers and fathers like we should be

BuGg LoGic

Love you Old Lady

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