Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ima a big ass kid, not stressing and living through me!

Stop taking life so damn serious please, there is a reason why I still act like a big ass kid and thats why i currently dont have high cholesterol! People that take life too serious end up regreting things that havent dont in life like eating a fried twinkie, playing hide and go seek at work, or fucking in a parking lot at walmart. You gotta give yourself sometime to let yourself be a kid. If I am a grown ass man watching cartoons on saturday morning eating a bowl of fruit loops in some pajama pants and laughing like a fucking clown is tickling me, and that keeps me from beating up the barista at starbucks for fucking up a simple black coffee, Ima be a big ass kid. If I have to act like a ass in walmart and play with the toys with my son, so I dont have to choke him for wanting everything in the Goddam store, fuck it, I will be in a spiderman mask with a foam sword and a viking helmet acting like a complete idiot so I dont stress myself out. You have to act like a kid because people in our generation (well the most of us that weren't spoiled) had to grow up really quick. And for those who got married early, 19 18, had no time to do the debaucherous things we were supposed to do: One night stands, two day hang overs, chasing tail on the regular, and the occasional shot of penicillin. What happens most of the time, we listen to our parents and grandparents, and what do they say to us" I never got to just: sky dive, bungee jump, have a threesome with two asian imagrants in the bed of a truck(dont ask, someone has told me this...weird but something she wanted to do) Life is long and you have all the time in the world to do the things you want to do, but remember it can come to a short end.
Oh yes speaking of not stressing, please stop putting the world on your shoulders, you have your own problems. I know people hit hard times and you do what you can if it doesnt hurt you. Most of the time its people taking advantage of you. Have you had this nigga come by your house with the same shit" Say man, can you lend me 40 i gotta buy some milk and a few other groceries" Ok you give him the 40, and then you see this nigga smoke 20's worth of weed with 14 dollars worth of beer and to and insult to injury he has a half gallon of milk in the fridge with 4 kids in the house ( for those who dont have kids, a gallon of milk is done within 3 days of you getting it with one child!) Now you look like the damn idiot! Or the girl that stay fucking bums and then when she gets done wrong for the hundreth time, she wants to come to you. Not only do you have to hear her fucking wine and wain about her problems, but you get nothing, not even a good feeling! "But Bugg, you should have a good feeling inside of you!" Nope I dont! Because you know deep down inside she is gonna fuck another bum ass dude, then she is gonna come crying to you, nad yet you still get no ass! Sorry ladies, this dude may love you, he really does, but you wont be with him, shit atleast be a fuck buddy! Because this guy you keep running to, you know he wont do you wrong, and he will be there for you, if you gonna give the pussy away, give it to someone who deserves it, right?
Speaking of life in general, live your own. Im tired of seeing grown ass people living through kids or thier friends, its fucking sad. Just because your dad made you work a ranch your whole life and scrape up cow shit doesnt mean to do that to your son. Just because you had to cook and clean and worship your husband doesnt mean your daughter has to take ass whippings from her husband. And I know this is gonna sting but I have to say it, if your parents molested you as a child, it doesnt mean to do the same to your child because in your heart you know its not right. People always come up with an excuse, well it was done to me it must be ok! So you mean to tell me, if I were to stab you in the leg with a hot knife every day against your will, its ok? You mean to tell me, if i were to shit in your bead and smear it around like penut butter, while you were sleeping in it, its ok? SOOOOO you mena to tell me, if I force feed you squirrle shit with extra nuts knowing you are alergic to them, for years on end...its ok?! Please kill your self, I want you to walk into a nazi meeting and wear a tshirt with a jewish name like Rosenburg across your chest with pink hot pants! Walk into a black panther meeting and yell nigger, moon cricket and jungle bunny! Because for you selfish fucks, i want you to die in the worst possible way! Stop living though you children or putting you fucked up child hood on them!
Logic:You know why there is not a Bugg Logic everyday? Because Im out living and being stress free and not putting everyones problems on myself because I have my own shit to worry about and nor am I gonna live through someone else, I have one body, one soul, and one mind that god gave me, Ima use them!
BuGg LoGiC
Just a reminder that you are still a little bitch!

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