Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I am a tired black man! (not just for black men, but aimed at them)

I am a tired black man, Im tired of black woman always coming up to me and saying "You aint shit because: you get with a white or spanish girl" What fucking business of yours who I date and who I lay with! Ok I go to a bar and this one woman, ahem girl starts talking to me and asked the question "what are you mixed with and do you have kids" Yes my children are half spanish. Then she gets this look on her face like ate bad chinese food. she goes back to her home girls and says loud enough for me to hear "Thats why these niggas aint shit, he cant handle a strong black woman" No im tired of dealing with you supposed "Strong black woman" If you were a strong black woman why do you have to try to fuck up my night, when you should go and have fun on your own! Just because you had a bad relationship or grew up without a father dont take it out on your good black men! The reason why I go out with who I go out with is due to that persons personality and love for me. My dick has one eye and very poor vision, My soul is blind to color, it only knows pain and pleasure! Then the shit that makes me mad is when I see a black boy and he asks his mom for anything a cookie, or some new shoes this is what I see and hear sometimes" Why don't you go ask your father, you look like him, so go get shit from him!" or "Oh I cant stand you! You are just like your damn daddy" Why is it just because your son looks like his father you treat him like his no good daddy?! That is your son, YOUR flesh and blood, YOUR baby! And back to the white girl thing, if that black man wants to go out with a snowbunny, LET HIM! He is not doing shit to you, the white girl aint doing shit to you, you do that shit to your self and thats why your ass is alone! Then you take that hatred and you use it on your friends man, because you are fucking lonely! Because you want her man! Because you want to have a baby daddy like him at the least! Then you sit there on the couch with your friends and drinking wine talking that "Niggas aint shit" bull shit, why dont you get you ass up and go find a good man, because we are out there! Yes I can say I am a strong, good black man, but with every human we get tired! Im tired of being called non black because I have two kids that are half spanish, and I speak a little spansish and I pay my fucking bills! Everybody has that preconcieved notion that "well he aint nothing but a nigga with bad credit, and treats his women like shit" FUCK YOU! And Ladies if us black men are that bad, go find a white boy, spanish dude, something, because this black man is not putting up with anymore angry ass women.
When I say I am a tired black man I am! I wish racism was dead but its not and I have to deal with it everyday. Cops dont like me driving a fancy car, so I get pulled over and they try to get me for anything they can. Then I go to the mall and get in an elevator with a white woman who clutches her purse like Im going to take it away from her. Then I walk into a Taqueria and I start speaking spanish to order my food, and I here in the distance "Chango" from a group of Mexican men (it means monkey). Then I go to wal mart to pick up some milk, the white lady infront of me shows no ID to swipe her card to pay for her mayo and carrots(I know it was kind of odd to me too) and I go to go swipe my card "Excuse me sir, I need to see some ID with your credit card" Really lady? I aught to go to the sports section and get a base ball bat, come back to this counter and Barry Bonds the shit outta you. Then I go home, to have some sort of piece and quiet and I get the jabber jaw about " well you aint shit, you dont do anything around here, I cant stand you!" And this day ladies and gentlemen is a day OFF of work for me. This is why black men die young, because of the stress we put up with all day, week, month and year long. Black men do die of broken hearts due to the beating life gives them on a day to day and hour to hour basis, and then to come home and get whats out there that he has to deal with in his own house from his wife and sometimes kids. Black men think about suicide more than anyone in the United states, and I mean that. And to be a good black man is so hard because no one respects you, no one listens to you unless you are a civil rights leader and thats the truth
Logic: Ladies in General, but yes this is aimed toward my sisters, Just because a brother doesnt want to go out with you its nothing wrong with either of you, you just arent his taste, and its fucked up a black dude cant date a white girl but a black woman can date a white guy and it will be fine.
Everyone, there are good black men out there, we arent hard to find because we are infront of you everyday working, living, taking care of business on the regular, but what people dont understand is we are human there is good as there is evil in us all, and it seems like all people see in black men including black women is the evil. Think about that
BuGg LoGiC
Spidey said fuck it!

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