Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Soilderboy must die, Love for My country, and feelings and how little I care

Hello! The Bugg here! Ok The soilder boy thing really pissed me off to the fullest extent. How is this dude gonna say fuck the army troops? This man hops up out the bed and gets his fag on! The reason you can make you faggy music is because of what these troops fight for. For you to get all your "gangster tattoos" and claim that you have been hard before that, ok! You have that right to lie because of freedom of speech. You go ahead to a third world country and teach them a dance thats gonna make their life better, Sir you will get beaten and raped by a 13 year old girl and she will super man your stupid ass. You claim to grow up on the streets, well there is worse places than your streets, and even though the troops go there, there is some good they do. I personally went to bagladesh and gave out food and water after the tsunami that happened, when is the last time you punk ass worked a 18 hour shift and gave up a port visit to help someone less fourtunate than you. Or go away from your family for up to 18 months at a time, birthdays, christmas, the birth of your own children. Mr Soilder boy "Deandre Way" eat a dick on some real shit and kill yourself with your fruity ass swag. You dont tell your mom fuck you after she raised you and gave up her life in turn to give you a good life. That goes for anyone who has a problem with the troops and whats going on with the military, go serve, I did, and I have all rights to complain.

People that hate America, go back to your country, if your country is so great, why not go back?! Wait! There was something in your country that made you want to leave! Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, that is what is on the statue of liberty, not "Come here and bitch and not pay taxes" I understand this is a country made and based on imagrants (even though my ancestors were kidnapped, but that is a different story for another time) but if a country that is letting you in, that pays your medical expenses, and you can go from nothing to something in a matter of years and people born in this country will honestly die working in their retirement years, and you fucking complain! There was a guy from Mexico, and he kept saying " Mexico is so wonderful, Mexico has so much heritage, unlike this place here (America). It is so easy to get guns, drugs here and murder is outrageouse" The blue hell are you talking about!? We get our drugs from Mexico, we get illegal guns through mexico, human trafficing through mexico! So shut that shit up! Remember Vicente Fox? yeah a guy that told the state of Texas that blacks are lazy? The guy that wants to legalize drugs to stop killings knowing damn well itll just make shit worse! Some parts of Mexico is third world country, just like africa, Haiti, these places are worse than America with their laws that are non-exsistant and all the money goes to the top not the bottom. These are some of the places the hardest gangster will not walk through! America gives people the chance to make something of themselves, legit or illegal, period!

Me caring about your feelings...I really dont give a dirty rats ass about your feelings. When I write these posts its to open your eyes, not to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Most people on here dont care about feelings or business, so dont get mad at me because I make sense, If you dont like it delete me! you dont have to read what I post, but you still do because I make sense and Im not scared to say the shit you think, for the people that take my thoughts into account or even argue with what I say, I got love for ya, and keep an open mind and heart

Logic: Soilder boy, even though he retracted his statement, can still go to hell for all I care.
If your country is so great, go back and stay there!
Me caring about feelings, I dont, if you are straight forward people can never say you bull shitted them, ever
well, it happens

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