Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today's note: Chivalry and who killed it? (take it to heart if you want to, these are just my thoughts)

Today's note: Chivalry and who killed it? (take it to heart if you want to, these are just my thoughts)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Monday, July 18, 2011 at 5:43pm
Chivalry, is it dead, yes. Why might you ask? Because women killed it and men aren't raised with it anymore. Independent women( not that there is anything wrong with being independent, its a great quality), please if a man that you do not know opens a door for you, don t look at him with a stank eye, He's not trying to get in your drawers he's being nice, because if it was that easy no man would be married, he'd be standing infront of doors all damn day opening for every female he comes across. Fellas, if you are sick of man hating women, women that say men aint shit, men are dogs, here goes a few simple rules: say hi, please, open doors, offer to pay for the check every once in a while, and don't expect the panties on the first date, this is where we go horribly wrong. This also works for ugly men, because a woman can love and be with an ugly ass man. I'm not telling you do be soft bruh, be a man. I know from the independent ladies walking around saying that they can pay for their own stuff makes a man just want to say," Fuck it, I aint paying for shit!" , dont let that stop you because a real woman will notice you for the real nigga you are and say "Nigga, we can pay dutch!" But ladies, stop letting your pride get the best of you. Be vuenerable every once in awhile, it wont kill you. If you want a man to show his emotion without being a bitch( emtional ass men, I hate them myself), you have to show yours otherwise, me being a man aint going to show you shit about my emotions, my feelings, or even my damn CD collection. Single mothers, if you have sons, raise them to treat women right, it starts with yall, quit blaming men for treating women like shit if we are a generation raised by women! Fellas, think, do you want your daughter or mom to get dogged like you probably have done?....Didn't think so. So you simple bastards, please stop blamming eachother and start blaming the person in the mirror. BuGG Theory

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