Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I am a tired black man! (not just for black men, but aimed at them)

I am a tired black man, Im tired of black woman always coming up to me and saying "You aint shit because: you get with a white or spanish girl" What fucking business of yours who I date and who I lay with! Ok I go to a bar and this one woman, ahem girl starts talking to me and asked the question "what are you mixed with and do you have kids" Yes my children are half spanish. Then she gets this look on her face like ate bad chinese food. she goes back to her home girls and says loud enough for me to hear "Thats why these niggas aint shit, he cant handle a strong black woman" No im tired of dealing with you supposed "Strong black woman" If you were a strong black woman why do you have to try to fuck up my night, when you should go and have fun on your own! Just because you had a bad relationship or grew up without a father dont take it out on your good black men! The reason why I go out with who I go out with is due to that persons personality and love for me. My dick has one eye and very poor vision, My soul is blind to color, it only knows pain and pleasure! Then the shit that makes me mad is when I see a black boy and he asks his mom for anything a cookie, or some new shoes this is what I see and hear sometimes" Why don't you go ask your father, you look like him, so go get shit from him!" or "Oh I cant stand you! You are just like your damn daddy" Why is it just because your son looks like his father you treat him like his no good daddy?! That is your son, YOUR flesh and blood, YOUR baby! And back to the white girl thing, if that black man wants to go out with a snowbunny, LET HIM! He is not doing shit to you, the white girl aint doing shit to you, you do that shit to your self and thats why your ass is alone! Then you take that hatred and you use it on your friends man, because you are fucking lonely! Because you want her man! Because you want to have a baby daddy like him at the least! Then you sit there on the couch with your friends and drinking wine talking that "Niggas aint shit" bull shit, why dont you get you ass up and go find a good man, because we are out there! Yes I can say I am a strong, good black man, but with every human we get tired! Im tired of being called non black because I have two kids that are half spanish, and I speak a little spansish and I pay my fucking bills! Everybody has that preconcieved notion that "well he aint nothing but a nigga with bad credit, and treats his women like shit" FUCK YOU! And Ladies if us black men are that bad, go find a white boy, spanish dude, something, because this black man is not putting up with anymore angry ass women.
When I say I am a tired black man I am! I wish racism was dead but its not and I have to deal with it everyday. Cops dont like me driving a fancy car, so I get pulled over and they try to get me for anything they can. Then I go to the mall and get in an elevator with a white woman who clutches her purse like Im going to take it away from her. Then I walk into a Taqueria and I start speaking spanish to order my food, and I here in the distance "Chango" from a group of Mexican men (it means monkey). Then I go to wal mart to pick up some milk, the white lady infront of me shows no ID to swipe her card to pay for her mayo and carrots(I know it was kind of odd to me too) and I go to go swipe my card "Excuse me sir, I need to see some ID with your credit card" Really lady? I aught to go to the sports section and get a base ball bat, come back to this counter and Barry Bonds the shit outta you. Then I go home, to have some sort of piece and quiet and I get the jabber jaw about " well you aint shit, you dont do anything around here, I cant stand you!" And this day ladies and gentlemen is a day OFF of work for me. This is why black men die young, because of the stress we put up with all day, week, month and year long. Black men do die of broken hearts due to the beating life gives them on a day to day and hour to hour basis, and then to come home and get whats out there that he has to deal with in his own house from his wife and sometimes kids. Black men think about suicide more than anyone in the United states, and I mean that. And to be a good black man is so hard because no one respects you, no one listens to you unless you are a civil rights leader and thats the truth
Logic: Ladies in General, but yes this is aimed toward my sisters, Just because a brother doesnt want to go out with you its nothing wrong with either of you, you just arent his taste, and its fucked up a black dude cant date a white girl but a black woman can date a white guy and it will be fine.
Everyone, there are good black men out there, we arent hard to find because we are infront of you everyday working, living, taking care of business on the regular, but what people dont understand is we are human there is good as there is evil in us all, and it seems like all people see in black men including black women is the evil. Think about that
BuGg LoGiC
Spidey said fuck it!

Mixing of the racies and ethnic cleansing (oh these fuckers are just dumb!)

Watching "blood in the Face" about white america and rise to power. One thing really stuck out to me " People think being interracial is accepted, what ever happen to I just dont want to date a nigger" Ok, you dumb bitch, no one is forcing you to date a black dude! No one is sticking a gun to your head and saying " You is gonna date this moon cricket or I is gonna paint the wall with your brains!" No one is doing that! And if you dont want a certain person idology forced upon you, dont force yours on somebody else! If your home girls wants to date one of us "Jungle bunnies" let her, it aint hurting you (unless your jelous that she can pull a ethnic man and you cant!) And then a grand wizard of the klan, who infact looked like merlin off of disney's sword and the stone, said that "you wont see many blacks in the construction business due to their laziness" No, that is incorrect sir, you will not see any blacks or whites for that fact in construction due to the cheap labor (ahem Mexican immagrants) coming into this country. Then this hobbit looking bastard continued on to say " the only thing blacks can do is play sports for 4 months out of the year and get so much money, but a white man busts his hump and he gets nothing, its not fair!" Well maybe if you had worked on your dribble my man, you would be playing ball with us spades! Maybe if you worked on your footwork maybe you could be, dare I say it....a white running back (GASP!) Oh this is the best part, one lady compares all other races to animals "well you dont see a bear mate with a dear"....lady I hope you die from choking on....pause for effect.......black penis! You see diffent types of breeds of the same species make some animals you cant help but love, like the mutt that is in your back yard that you trained to hate niggas, spics, jews (which I cant tell the difference unless you tell me your last name) that is mixed between a doverman and a fucking chow chow!

Oh and then these idoits say that generations in the bible meant race!....Really bitch? Really? So you mean to tell me everyone in the bible that kept their generations clean was white? Get the fuck out of here. And then when the Second coming of Christ comes, there will be ethnic cleansing......Last time I read the bible Jesus had " hair were white as white wool, white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;feet like unto burnished brass, as if it had been refined in a furnace; and his voice as the voice of many waters" Revelations 1:15. What does that mean to me well" If you have voice of many waters or if you have sailed at all, you her the voices and dilect of what ever country you go to. Hair white like sheeps wool, that just means he had wisdom! Eyes red like fire, he was tired, He bared the salvation of the HUMAN RACE on his back, and lets talk about the feet. Some people can say that ," Well he was of Middle Eastern or African descent" I say I see a nigga with some dirty ass feet! Have you seen someone who never wheres shoes outside? They are kinda bronzey doncha think?! So we dont know what Jesus was ethnically, but did you get the message he was preaching?! And if God wants to ethnically cleanse the human race, Im ready to go to hell, for I am all mixed up and I love myself and if the God almighty who created me doesnt like me, send me to sheol (or the abyss) because the God I worship loves me for me!

Logic: Its ok and cool to just want to date your race, that is fine and dandy, but dont push that it is morally and religiously wrong to marry outside your race or have mixed children. And if you do, I pray to God that you have all mixed Grand kids. And If God doesnt like mixing of the races well hell, we are all going, and I do mean all, because if you are a pure (insert race here) you are inbred. God meant for us to go forth and be fruitful ( meaning get it on and keep the HUMAN race going!) And believe you me, Im not pissing "The big guy off"

BuGg loGiC

Jesus says its ok

Going off the handle and The old ladies (hug your moms now)

You know people say things that hurt and I know that I say them alot. But when a you attack someone out of rage it can: A say lies to hurt some one, B:See the person for who they really are. You will never know what they're true intentions are..."And thats why you are not a man with one ball!" Or "thats why you cant keep a man, because you get used like toilet paper, every man shits on you and thows you away!" And you really cant blame the person for feeling rage, we are all guilty of it. Like you never just got enraged when someone says or does something to you because you make them mad. I have seen people cheat, i have seen people cheat infront of the significant other at the same party, I have seen women take bats to a niggas car, Ive seen men putting thier shit on blast for everyone to know...."Oh yeah, I just want everyone to know, Shelly has herpes!" Kinda fucked up right, no because earlier that week, she said that she said to him" You aint shit, your mom died because of you!" Fucked up right, but no it comes from more than that, because a month ago, this guy lost her grandmothers necklace and she let it stew and let it be for a month but deep down inside she was fucking furious but she let it be bottled up and she said something she really didnt mean that hurt her man, then ofcourse being a human he tries to hurt her back, and it is a vicious circle. But because we are all human, we are guilty of intentionally hurting someone. "Well go find someone else when you want to commit suicide!" ....We were talking about where we should eat dinner... and thats when it starts, because it can be that other person , but remember what I say you have find what is wrong with you and fix it before you go off the handle on someone else. It can lead to something way worse.

But one thing is when you go off the handle, your mom will calm you the fuck down, and shit even calm your friends down. Mom, he cheated on me and ima burn his house down! "No your not, you are gonna survive and guess what, he fucked up, now lemme make you some peach cobbler" just that peach cobbler will make you shut the fuck up and you will forget why you were mad. Mom, man she took everything, kids, the dog, my flat screen mom ima kill this bitch! " No your not, she fucked up, the kids can come see me, I still have your tv from when you were young, and I got a couch for you to sleep on, you want some pork chops and mash potatoes?" Your mom solved all your problems right then and there and she cooked you a dinner, you are on hush mouth for real. Even if she aint your mama, she still is that person to go to, if its your auntie, grandma or your best friends mom because your mom is fucking up or your mom aint there! My T-lady (which dudes in houston call there moms when they are talkin to there home boys or other people in general) she stay being everyone else mama, advice, cooking for them, braiding hair for free (you know damn well, nigga you get your hair done for free, designed braids like fishbones for free? that is love right there!) She may had, to me, make my life a living hell at times but she is my mama she loves me and loves the people that love me unconditionally! I cant be my mama, my son brings around some bummy ass friend, eating all my shit....that nigga is going to be flat on his face real quick. My mama...nope, her heart is too big, mine did a reverse grinch, that mother fucker shrank! But T-lady, old lady, the lady, the woman of the house is a bad bitch and I say bitch because she is a ride or die woman!

Logic: Sometimes you cant help what comes out of your mouth, but when it does think about it, and see if there is something really wrong with them or you or both.

Your mom may have been mean ass hell, hypocrit, and she will never agree with you but you know you have a good mother, a True T-lady, you love her as much as you can, and you learn from it, and you open your heart like they did and be a better generation of mothers and fathers like we should be

BuGg LoGic

Love you Old Lady

Ima a big ass kid, not stressing and living through me!

Stop taking life so damn serious please, there is a reason why I still act like a big ass kid and thats why i currently dont have high cholesterol! People that take life too serious end up regreting things that havent dont in life like eating a fried twinkie, playing hide and go seek at work, or fucking in a parking lot at walmart. You gotta give yourself sometime to let yourself be a kid. If I am a grown ass man watching cartoons on saturday morning eating a bowl of fruit loops in some pajama pants and laughing like a fucking clown is tickling me, and that keeps me from beating up the barista at starbucks for fucking up a simple black coffee, Ima be a big ass kid. If I have to act like a ass in walmart and play with the toys with my son, so I dont have to choke him for wanting everything in the Goddam store, fuck it, I will be in a spiderman mask with a foam sword and a viking helmet acting like a complete idiot so I dont stress myself out. You have to act like a kid because people in our generation (well the most of us that weren't spoiled) had to grow up really quick. And for those who got married early, 19 18, had no time to do the debaucherous things we were supposed to do: One night stands, two day hang overs, chasing tail on the regular, and the occasional shot of penicillin. What happens most of the time, we listen to our parents and grandparents, and what do they say to us" I never got to just: sky dive, bungee jump, have a threesome with two asian imagrants in the bed of a truck(dont ask, someone has told me this...weird but something she wanted to do) Life is long and you have all the time in the world to do the things you want to do, but remember it can come to a short end.
Oh yes speaking of not stressing, please stop putting the world on your shoulders, you have your own problems. I know people hit hard times and you do what you can if it doesnt hurt you. Most of the time its people taking advantage of you. Have you had this nigga come by your house with the same shit" Say man, can you lend me 40 i gotta buy some milk and a few other groceries" Ok you give him the 40, and then you see this nigga smoke 20's worth of weed with 14 dollars worth of beer and to and insult to injury he has a half gallon of milk in the fridge with 4 kids in the house ( for those who dont have kids, a gallon of milk is done within 3 days of you getting it with one child!) Now you look like the damn idiot! Or the girl that stay fucking bums and then when she gets done wrong for the hundreth time, she wants to come to you. Not only do you have to hear her fucking wine and wain about her problems, but you get nothing, not even a good feeling! "But Bugg, you should have a good feeling inside of you!" Nope I dont! Because you know deep down inside she is gonna fuck another bum ass dude, then she is gonna come crying to you, nad yet you still get no ass! Sorry ladies, this dude may love you, he really does, but you wont be with him, shit atleast be a fuck buddy! Because this guy you keep running to, you know he wont do you wrong, and he will be there for you, if you gonna give the pussy away, give it to someone who deserves it, right?
Speaking of life in general, live your own. Im tired of seeing grown ass people living through kids or thier friends, its fucking sad. Just because your dad made you work a ranch your whole life and scrape up cow shit doesnt mean to do that to your son. Just because you had to cook and clean and worship your husband doesnt mean your daughter has to take ass whippings from her husband. And I know this is gonna sting but I have to say it, if your parents molested you as a child, it doesnt mean to do the same to your child because in your heart you know its not right. People always come up with an excuse, well it was done to me it must be ok! So you mean to tell me, if I were to stab you in the leg with a hot knife every day against your will, its ok? You mean to tell me, if i were to shit in your bead and smear it around like penut butter, while you were sleeping in it, its ok? SOOOOO you mena to tell me, if I force feed you squirrle shit with extra nuts knowing you are alergic to them, for years on end...its ok?! Please kill your self, I want you to walk into a nazi meeting and wear a tshirt with a jewish name like Rosenburg across your chest with pink hot pants! Walk into a black panther meeting and yell nigger, moon cricket and jungle bunny! Because for you selfish fucks, i want you to die in the worst possible way! Stop living though you children or putting you fucked up child hood on them!
Logic:You know why there is not a Bugg Logic everyday? Because Im out living and being stress free and not putting everyones problems on myself because I have my own shit to worry about and nor am I gonna live through someone else, I have one body, one soul, and one mind that god gave me, Ima use them!
BuGg LoGiC
Just a reminder that you are still a little bitch!

Fuck your Page, strip clubs and treat her like a woman

Ok, I am getting sick and tired of these females trying to friend you so you can look at their porno page. If I wanted to see some titties or girls fingerfucking themselves, I have the internet and it is free! And why do I need to give a credit card number and an address? So I can get caught up!? Your stupid and I hope a stalker comes to your house and jacks off in your shampoo! You are some sort of dummy to say,"Hey Antoine Bugg Griffin, its been awhile since I've seen you, check out my web page at the link below, we can talk on there"...Are you high? Well you gotta be if you think that Ima pay money to talk to you! Bitch I can talk nasty to the flick I just put in! And guess what there is more gratification on that flick than 10 days of talking to you! Its just like a strip club, You are gonna talk all game and then what? You get you money through pay pal and then all I have is a erection that I gotta take care of!
Ladies, men go to strip clubs primarily to fuck you...No I didnt stutter. I personally dont go because of no fulfilment of spending money in a place I cant drink and then cant touch a titty at all, but some dudes go because it entices them to the point of " Ima fuck the shit outta my girl when I get home" then you get your ass tossed the fuck up when he gets home. But sometimes yall fuck that up like, " Oh im tired and have a headache" But the other week when you wanted more romance and passion in your relationship. What better passion than your man coming home and taking you. I'll tell you I wouldnt mind a woman going to a chip and dales get all hot and bothered and come home to me and fuck my world up! Its a great feeling, so when your man goes out with the guys to a titty bar, right before he hits the door, just tell whisper in his ear " Ima fuck the shit outta you when you get home" this bastard will come back early just to get you! Its little things like that that stops a man from cheating and in turn you get the passion that you wanted.
Fellas, you got to make a woman feel loved every part of the day, not because its right but it works out for you...Lemme explain: If you wake up in the morning and right before your woman gets in the shower and you tap her ass with your hand really quick and smile, she may say" Quit it" but in the back of her head she is saying, do that shit agian...One day while she is at work send her flowers because its tuesday with a sappy ass card, make sure all her coworkers is there, because your woman feeds off of their jelousy and your woman says in her head" My man loves me, Ima do something special for him" Guys this is the perfect time to get head if you havent had it in a while, or anal, or she wears a made outfit and soon as you get home its on and Crackin. You will get what you want if you focus on your woman, the only reason you dont have a happy relationship is due to you focusing on another. Because if you foucus on her and only her, you dont have time or energy (he he) for anyone else, I promise you will be much happier.
Logic: If you friend me and try to have me go to another page to look at your busted ass pussy keep it moving, I have internet and playboy, thanks
Ladies, the strip club could be your worst enemy or your best friend, You gotta hold it down
Fellas, treat your lady like she is the only thing that matters and you will get what you want, remember she loves you. But dont let the female run all over you, that shit aint healthy
BuGg LoGiC
Bugg role play lol

Soilderboy must die, Love for My country, and feelings and how little I care

Hello! The Bugg here! Ok The soilder boy thing really pissed me off to the fullest extent. How is this dude gonna say fuck the army troops? This man hops up out the bed and gets his fag on! The reason you can make you faggy music is because of what these troops fight for. For you to get all your "gangster tattoos" and claim that you have been hard before that, ok! You have that right to lie because of freedom of speech. You go ahead to a third world country and teach them a dance thats gonna make their life better, Sir you will get beaten and raped by a 13 year old girl and she will super man your stupid ass. You claim to grow up on the streets, well there is worse places than your streets, and even though the troops go there, there is some good they do. I personally went to bagladesh and gave out food and water after the tsunami that happened, when is the last time you punk ass worked a 18 hour shift and gave up a port visit to help someone less fourtunate than you. Or go away from your family for up to 18 months at a time, birthdays, christmas, the birth of your own children. Mr Soilder boy "Deandre Way" eat a dick on some real shit and kill yourself with your fruity ass swag. You dont tell your mom fuck you after she raised you and gave up her life in turn to give you a good life. That goes for anyone who has a problem with the troops and whats going on with the military, go serve, I did, and I have all rights to complain.

People that hate America, go back to your country, if your country is so great, why not go back?! Wait! There was something in your country that made you want to leave! Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, that is what is on the statue of liberty, not "Come here and bitch and not pay taxes" I understand this is a country made and based on imagrants (even though my ancestors were kidnapped, but that is a different story for another time) but if a country that is letting you in, that pays your medical expenses, and you can go from nothing to something in a matter of years and people born in this country will honestly die working in their retirement years, and you fucking complain! There was a guy from Mexico, and he kept saying " Mexico is so wonderful, Mexico has so much heritage, unlike this place here (America). It is so easy to get guns, drugs here and murder is outrageouse" The blue hell are you talking about!? We get our drugs from Mexico, we get illegal guns through mexico, human trafficing through mexico! So shut that shit up! Remember Vicente Fox? yeah a guy that told the state of Texas that blacks are lazy? The guy that wants to legalize drugs to stop killings knowing damn well itll just make shit worse! Some parts of Mexico is third world country, just like africa, Haiti, these places are worse than America with their laws that are non-exsistant and all the money goes to the top not the bottom. These are some of the places the hardest gangster will not walk through! America gives people the chance to make something of themselves, legit or illegal, period!

Me caring about your feelings...I really dont give a dirty rats ass about your feelings. When I write these posts its to open your eyes, not to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Most people on here dont care about feelings or business, so dont get mad at me because I make sense, If you dont like it delete me! you dont have to read what I post, but you still do because I make sense and Im not scared to say the shit you think, for the people that take my thoughts into account or even argue with what I say, I got love for ya, and keep an open mind and heart

Logic: Soilder boy, even though he retracted his statement, can still go to hell for all I care.
If your country is so great, go back and stay there!
Me caring about feelings, I dont, if you are straight forward people can never say you bull shitted them, ever
well, it happens


Ok folks, enough with the "free my nigga" tshirts. If you dont know what Im talking about, its these tshirts with pictures of a person incarcerated with free put on it. Have you simple bastards even thought about what you are wearing? Dont get me wrong, I missed Pimp C (R.I.P) when he was locked up for a parole violation stemming from an aggravated assault charge. The nigga in some way shape or form fucked up and he got locked back up, just like these jack ass that get caught for distribution and the smoke weed (ahem, that is a parole/probation violation) and they got back to jail. Im not mad at the shirts necessarily, Im mad that people wear them and they know their homeboy/girl fucked up. "FREE POOKIE" even though he was charged with possession and has weed on him when the cops pull him over for drunk driving. Thats not bad luck or the system being against him, that was pure stupidity, but....this nigga gets a shirt!? I say that is damn fine police work, stupid people need to be locked up. what happen to putting money on his books? what happen to a letter while in jail, taking a collect call? No, its fucking tshirts, and this nigga cant get one because he is locked up. He is not Nelson Mandela, you are not moving the people to a more positive out come for a better well being, your mad because your homie is a fucking moron and getting caught with bootleg dvds when he went to jail for credit card fraud. I hope some one takes that shirt, puts a bar of soap in it, beats you takes your wallet and put money on your homie's books.
The whole world is not out to get you, people are out to get you. Yes I have always believed that being a black male in some areas of this country is rough, but I dont let that stop me. I know white girls that went to all black schools and dated a black man, and even though the black girls (sorry yall are notorious for this shit) will make that white girls life a living hell, plus her parents are pissed!How do I know this, Ive dated a few white girls myself and damn! Now this white girls has a sour taste in her mouth about dating outside her race all together because of a select group of people, and she is now going to go into the world with a fear that she cant be her because the world doesnt want her to be happy, no its those people that dont want you to be happy, it is individuals. Take for example some cops, as a black male i try to be cautious, but hey some are just out on the hunt. I met a cop who actully looked at my tattoos and saw that they were not gang related and let me go on my merry way. Another cop kept saying i was part of a gang, Houstone, because of my fore arm tattoo with my houston astros stars (if you were a cop in any way or from from Texas, you would know Houstone is Mexican gang, Last time I checked I was in no way in shape or form Spanish!) And I was grilled by this cop for about an hour and he could find shit on me, no gang affiliation, nothing. Those two situtations show that individuals are out to get you.
Logic: Stop with these damn T-shirts, you wanna help this dude, use that money that you used to make those shirts and get that nigga a better lawyer
The world is a wonderful place, you make the world what it is, you can let people get you down or be like me, dont give a fuck and let the wind take you and let the world show you how wonderful it is
BuGg LoGiC

Freeloaders, Fakes and Haters (THEY ALL MUST DIE!!!!)

Ok, I really have a problem with free loaders, you know them niggas that will sit there and borrow shit so long you think its theirs! "He, you got a weed eater I can use I dont know what happen to mine....wait....thats my damn weed eater!" Or " Hey man, can I bum a cigarette?" This is the same nigga that bums a cigarette every day from you, and you wonder "damn, how much money have I spent giving this fool cigarettes?" Or the free loader that walks up to you for a cigarette and you give em one "Oh naw dude, I dont do menthol" Why dude you allergic? "No, I just dont like em"....You come ask me for a cigarette and you wont take it because it aint the type you like?! Go shove a Lit extra large Cuban cigar up your ass and drink gasoline! how In the hell do you free load and be picky!? these people need to be beaten to death by homeless people! Or if you go over to someones house and drink and eat all their shit and dont even bring plastic cups, you are live ho on some real shit! If I dont know the person Ill atleast bring something, I dont care If I bring porkchops to a muslim get together, at least I brought something. I may be cheap but I have respect which these freeloading bastards dont have! These mother fuckers are professional homeless people or have t rex syndrome (Deep pockets and short arms) are the fucking worst. You got good money, you dont spend it on shit, atleast buy a bottle of coke for a damn BBQ!
Haters and fakes, these sons of bitches go hand and hand! The people that smile in your face and then talk shit about you behind your back. For you haters and fakes, yall are bitch made and need to grab your ankles all the time! In some cases I love the hate because that means I have something people want or doing better things than they are. "Look at this nigga man, He aint no real nigga cuz, he wears tight jeans and chucks, and he dont like little wayne, he listens to that white boy shit rock music, he likes lupe man, who the fucks likes lupe!?" You are just mad because I can where tight jeans and dont want to be a gangster wannabe like you, you're mad because I have a bigger spectrum of music and can hold a conversation with your sister, your girl, hell even your mama! "she aint shit, she wearing gucci like i am, she aint fresh like me" What because she can shop at old navy and look better than you on your best day you fendi knock off, fake DKNY you got from the hair store, and that coach bag that you man got you from the swap meet triffling ho! And you fakes....oh it just like the bastards at work," we think you are a good addition to the team Bugg......(soon as I walk away) that gangster peice of shit is gonna fuck up and Ima make sure of it" Or " hey man congrats on the marrige....(soon as they walk away) Ima fuck his wife soon as I get the chance!" Remember Karma is a bitch, and she will fuck you right or the person you are fake around will bust your skull open when you are not looking.
Logic: Freeloading will kill friendships or in some situations get your ass whipped, if you have the money, go get you own shit, if you dont have the money, get a job or dont do shit and save your money.
Fakes and haters must die, because someone is doing better than you, get on their level, dont get your hate up get you wieght up and step into the ring like a champ!
BuGg LoGiC

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The whole story, Look and a Prayer, Control over emotions

The whole story, Look and a Prayer, Control over emotions (For people that say Im too harsh, read this and you see why I can liv

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 1:09pm
I hate hypocrits, i really do. I dont care if you attack me I dont, I dont care if you attack me on some else behalf, I dont care, but everyone knows there is truth to what I say. And you really shouldnt attack people if you do not know the whole story and you wont because you only listen to one person and not the other. You are outside looking in, but you see only whats in the living room, you dont see whats going on upstairs, around the corner, blind spots and in closets (some people are on the down low) But you will never know until you are in that house living that life. If your friends post" Man she's a bitch, she took all my shit out of the apartment" And all you say is"Yeah, shes a bitch!" little do you know that bitch owned everything in that apartment! And when your friend starts being honest with themselves or when they get caught up,not only do they look stupid but you look stupid! With the things I have posted I have been called " Asshole, Loser" and have been told" Fuck you, you aint shit for talking about me" when, honestly swear to God, I have hit this person up in years, and they think its all about them. Its not, as everyone here can tell what I say pertains to alot of people. What I say may sting a little at first or open your eyes later and if you follow some of the things I say beside me sayin to kill yourself(ha ha), it tells you to be you and dont let anyone change you, to live your life, to have fun but to think about it first. Logic is the first line of defense when it comes to life. I know following your heart is good and all, but God gave you a brain to think and to weigh options. If the fucking stove is hot, dont put your hand on it, if eating burritos makes you have painful shits, dont eat burritos.
Talk to God or your higher power, then look at yourself. No one can change you only you can change you. I cant stand it when people say," well my boy friend use to hit me now I dont trust any man, he changed me" No he didnt, you allowed that to go on and you stayed, all you had to do was leave. What is the key word? YOU! "Man, woman keeps cheating on me now I have the clap, she changed the way Ima treat these ho's" Noooooo jack ass, you allowed that to happen, you slept with miss gang bang without a jimmy hat and you got burned, not every woman is like her, you had that choice to kick rocks. Key word, YOU. Being dead serious, go to your higher power whole heartedly, say a prayer "God who am I and what should I do, I come to you with an open heart and open mind and am ready for your spirit to work through me" Then look in the mirror, and if you dont like what you see, change it. You keep your higher power in your heart, you walk with your head held high because you are going to make it! If you cant do that, just end it now, its no use of you taking up space for people that have a reason to do better.
You give people control over your emotions, only you can control your emotions. There is no reason to dwell in the past or make plans for the future. Because if you have one foot in the past and one foot in the future, you shit on today. Dont give those people the joy of taking your joy, that includes me. The better you can control your emotions the better you can control your life. I can tell you my life aint the greatest but Im happy. Because for the first time in my life, I truly dont give a furry rats ass about other people that aint gonna do anything but hold me down or the crab bucket effect (look it up, its pretty cool). "Fuck thatBitch!" that bitch just took your joy. "That nigga makes me sick" that nigga just took your joy. If an elephant took a big steamy shit all over me, should I be mad for the rest of that day? NNNNOOOPPPPEEE! thats why there are rivers to wash yourself off. If you have terminal cancer, you gonna lay there and let cancer make you its bitch? Hell no, you get up and you see the world or fucking sky dive (and to me that is a form of suicide jumping out of a perfectly good plane, but anyway) It took my almost 24 years and alot of pain to figure this out. Dont wait too long
If you dont know the whole situation, stay out of it, it just makes you look dumb
Talk to your higher power and look in the mirror, if it is change you want that prayer and long hard stare can get you there
Dont let anyone and I mean anyone, your kids, spouse, significant other or even the family cat( fuck I hate cats) take your joy or control your emotions, because as human beings we are born then we die, why not live in between?
BuGg LoGiC
now that shit is funny!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today's note: Chivalry and who killed it? (take it to heart if you want to, these are just my thoughts)

Today's note: Chivalry and who killed it? (take it to heart if you want to, these are just my thoughts)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Monday, July 18, 2011 at 5:43pm
Chivalry, is it dead, yes. Why might you ask? Because women killed it and men aren't raised with it anymore. Independent women( not that there is anything wrong with being independent, its a great quality), please if a man that you do not know opens a door for you, don t look at him with a stank eye, He's not trying to get in your drawers he's being nice, because if it was that easy no man would be married, he'd be standing infront of doors all damn day opening for every female he comes across. Fellas, if you are sick of man hating women, women that say men aint shit, men are dogs, here goes a few simple rules: say hi, please, open doors, offer to pay for the check every once in a while, and don't expect the panties on the first date, this is where we go horribly wrong. This also works for ugly men, because a woman can love and be with an ugly ass man. I'm not telling you do be soft bruh, be a man. I know from the independent ladies walking around saying that they can pay for their own stuff makes a man just want to say," Fuck it, I aint paying for shit!" , dont let that stop you because a real woman will notice you for the real nigga you are and say "Nigga, we can pay dutch!" But ladies, stop letting your pride get the best of you. Be vuenerable every once in awhile, it wont kill you. If you want a man to show his emotion without being a bitch( emtional ass men, I hate them myself), you have to show yours otherwise, me being a man aint going to show you shit about my emotions, my feelings, or even my damn CD collection. Single mothers, if you have sons, raise them to treat women right, it starts with yall, quit blaming men for treating women like shit if we are a generation raised by women! Fellas, think, do you want your daughter or mom to get dogged like you probably have done?....Didn't think so. So you simple bastards, please stop blamming eachother and start blaming the person in the mirror. BuGG Theory

Cheating and Secrets (all dudes better read and learn, I did the research) remeber, just my thoughts on things thats all

Cheating and Secrets (all dudes better read and learn, I did the research) remeber, just my thoughts on things thats all

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 9:50am
Men cheat due to physical pleasure, women cheat mostly out of emtion. Lemme explain. Men cheat to achieve an orgasm, thats it thats all. It may be due to a sex dryspell they they are in due to them fucking up and the booty has been put on hold at the top shelf where they cant reach by their lady or them just being a dog or simply because the woman doesn't want to. 9/10 the man fucked up or is being a dog. Ladies men are animals, repeat ANIMALS. They will seek booty no matter the consequence: their lady finds out, getting burned (STD), the other woman getting pregnant, it is what it is. A woman cheats out of emtion: anger, lonliness, spite or they are so emtionally unfilled they get filled physically. Fellas, 9/10 women cheat because of you, YOU! And they are good at it. If you hear the phrase after you cheat , "Do you baby, Cuz IMA DO ME" Run nigga run save yourself the heartache. And you being the man, Im not gonna let her go, you beg and plead for her to take you back and she does and she says this," Dont do it again, I love you , and you belong to me." ...But she dont belong to you. By this time she has or is going to fuck her ex, a close male friend, someone she is safe with or some one across town outta town in a job feild you dont work in. Learn something from these niggas because they know the value of silence! Your dumb ass wants to talk all damn day about ole girl you busted down to your boys. Remember 1/5 of your boys is an informant aka snitch to your lady, not because its the right thing to do, because he wants to get with her. Ho ass niggas, they exsist. And after she does her dirt she either will tell you or she wont. Women are like fort knox with a seal team gaurding it, nothing in or out unless she wants to let it be known. So fellas when you fuck up again as always like: crashing her car, losing your job, caught a court case the intial argument will be about that topic but it circles around to you cheating. When it gets heated she will say something like" And thats why I fucked (ex, the friend, or ole boy) BOOM BOOM baby! what do you have to say about that!?" AAAANNND there goes your manhood. Or she wont tell you, so when you talk all that shit about her to her face she can smile. Why? Because she remembers when she was getting busted down and your dumb ass just doesnt know. She is saying, "This nigga is dumb, I gave up the goodies and it was great, this nigga dumb." Guess what, you are! Remember ladies, there are men that are as devious as you, those niggas are dangerous! Men aren't the only ones who can be fools. Logic: Fellas, if you are going to cheat think of the consequences, and your pride is the one thing that it takes time to get back. Ladies, if you do some "get-back-at" cheating the same can happen to you, then there will be two fools in the court and everyone is laughing at both of you.
BugG LoGic

Women and thier hands (Argument about Chris Brown and Riahnna, is it ok to hit anyone and not expect retaliation?)

Women and thier hands (Argument about Chris Brown and Riahnna, is it ok to hit anyone and not expect retaliation?)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 12:07pm
Women and thier hands
Ladies, stop putting yourself in a position where you might get your ass whooped. What do I mean? Daring a man to hit you or beat on a man and expect no retaliation. To me this is stupid, equal opportunity is equal opportunity, women want equal rights they should take lumps like a man when they start an altercation or just plain BS. If you reply a woman can do anything a man can do, then take your ass whoopin if you want to fight a man like a man! I asked a few ladies this morning young and old about thier look on men fighting back when a woman strikes them. 3 out of 5 women around my age said, no. so you mean to tell me it is ok for a woman to stab a man in the back and he still shouldnt put his hands on you..."Yes, a man, in any circumstance should never hit a woman"...If you agree with this, save us all some time and drink some drano and fall in a hole in the forrest. 1 slightly older woman said," Well...whats the situation? A man shouldn't hit a woman because she slapped him, but if he is in fear for his life, sure but just enough to stop her." Ok, I can see that, I can but what if one hit is not enough? Some people get Jason like qualities and keep coming after you stabbed him 30 times. At last the older woman said, " Yes! If a woman has the balls to hit someone 130 pounds over them and has grown up like a boy: fights, rough housing, football, she better be ready to fight like a man!" Thank you ma'am. I am not saying it's ok to hit woman for no good reason, Im just saying dont be a damn hypocrite and say well man shouldnt put hands on us but its ok to put hands on them. On another note there are man beaters...yes don't act like they aren't. You hit a man for 20 minutes for nothing and he doesnt hit you back is a damn fool and deserves it. Ladies stop daring a man to hit you, finger in his face and saying some stuff like" YOU AIN"T GONNA DO SHIT NIGGA! I DARE you to hit me! You will get your ass whooped, I aint no regular bitch!" Look unless you are wonder woman, lady marvel or Serena Williams you are a regular bitch that will get tossed about like a rag doll against a pitbull. Some times even with a weapon you probably wont win. And if a man is walking away, let him! Repeat, let that man walk away from you, some one has to be the adult! Dont follow him around, mushing the back of his head hitting him and not expect a back hand! Its a reaction! And when you get hit dont say this crap" I can't believe you hit did that" I can completely believe it! Would you go to a grizzly bear, punch it in the face and dare it to eat you?! NO! Then why do it to a grown man? Fellas, if walkin away dont work,three words... cal...l the... cops, you are not a bitch, you are smart. Call the police. You hit her you will fry, she hits you, you call the authorities you are free and watching the game in peace!
Logic: Laides, start working out, lift weights, take some boxing classes, get on your Jenifer Lopez in "Enough" ( by the way, great movie) if you want to put yourself in a position of getting your ass handed to you.
Fellas, walk away, run, call the police, you are not a bitch you are smart! Dont feed into her, you will lose 100% of the time
BuGg LoGiC

Turned gay ( this is not gay bashing, just fake gay bashing, enjoy)

Turned gay ( this is not gay bashing, just fake gay bashing, enjoy)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 10:47am
Turned Gay, This does not exsist in my book! I hate when people say "I was turned gay or lesbian" Shut the hell up! It's impossible. No one forced you to be gay! No one forced you to like the same reprodutive organs that you currently have! Take for example, rape in prison, these men get out of prison after years of abuse, sexual molestation against their will, and they will say "That may of happened but I'm not gay....the only thing that changed about me is the size of my butthole." Ladies dont say because all men are dogs that maybe the other sex will treat you better...just hop skip and jump your happy self off a bridge. " Ugh, I can't find a man, ugh im to ugly too be with a man, ugh a woman will treat me better" The hell she will! Look at a show called "The L Word" I have a friend just like Shane. Give Shane 15 minutes, 2 drinks, 1 dance she is getting more play than Derek Jeter at a Yankee game. Afterwards Shane vacates, gets a cup of coffee and you never see the girl that Shane got some from in another episode after that. So the thoery that the same sex will treat you better is complete BS! People are People and there are dogs in both sexes. Stop trying to find a way around life and deal with it. Stop with the bi curious crap, you either had these thoughts before or your trying to get attention! sorry that is how I feel. Bi sexuals are greedy, so if they cant get some from the opposite sex, they can get some from the same sex, greedy plain and simple. At least gays and lesbians knew they were homosexual for a long time, some werhe ashamed at first in the closet but now its all good, they let it hang out. I respect real gays and lesbians, because guess what , they dont care!
Logic: Stop lying to yourselves that you got turned gay, either you're loney, or attention grabbing Bar-sexuals (acting gay at straight bars to get attention) and for those people please commite to traditional Japanese sacraficial suicide with a dull katana blade!. No matter what if you are straight there is someone for you of the opposite sex, stop stealling real homosexuals from real gays and lesbians that deserve real conpanionship. Remember the grass is not always greener on the other side.
BuGg LoGiC
Chi town



by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Friday, July 22, 2011 at 10:37am
Comparing the past and the present (Im not your ex, stop comparing me dammit)
This is to everyone, stop comparing your current lover/spouse/or fling to your ex. It really is annoying as hell. You have been with this person for years now and you've been sharing your bed, money, even children in certain cases with this person, and you are trying to piss them off. Thats just saying you are with them just until you have a chance to get back with your ex or upgrade. Suck on an exhaust pipe! The reason they are your ex because A) You broke it off with them or B) They left you for whatever reason. Stop living in the damn past. Dont be mad because they upgraded from you! They got some one that doesnt give them hell 24-7-365! You messed up. Now you want to make another person's life miserable because you want something you cant have. I'm not perfect, nor am I gonna be a carbon copy of your ex, Im not them. In some cases your ex was a dirtbag! Constatntly using you, your car(especially to go see someone else), your money, treat your kids like crap, but they had some good qualities about them...."they spent quality time with me" They had no damn job! I would have alot of time on my hands too! "They always had good weed or buy me great things" Yes because they used your money to get it, if it is someone else's money, who the hell cares about price!? Oh, here is the best one, " They where there when my dog died"....what?...Really? I've been doing everything for you and putting up with you because I love you but of all things to compare me to is he was there when your dog died.....Cover yourself in fish guts and jump in a barrel of parhanas you ungreatful bastard. They probably didn't like the damn dog in the first place. Please stop putting past relationship problems on you current lover, STOP! Just because they (your ex) crashed your car and you drive a hoopty with no divers lisence doesnt mean the current one will. And in that case get with somebody that has their own can, lisence, insurrance. A little background check never hurt Inspector Gedget! And if your ex is better than your current lover/spouse/companion stop complaining. There is a reason they are your ex, you chose to be with them and that was your own doing. Like those dudes that go to the military, they knew what they where doing to get in that situation, no one forced them (except for the judge). It wasn't and arranged marrige! This was not pre-determined to happen it was all you, God gave you free will and YOU used it. And you chose to suck at life and all its splender. Remember there is no perfect man or woman. So stop chasing something that you are to slow to catch. Also comparison of old to new can make a good lover go find something that is more worth while than you, I applaude these people because they used there brain and left instead of staying in a vortex that you created and sucking them in to pain and anguish. Your friends may be the first ones to snatch up your lover because they can see with unclouded eyes of what is a good thing, and your blind ass can see two feet infront of you. Dont be mad at your friends either, they upgraded and you didn't, OUCH!. Then you look like a fool, jackass, dummy, or just plain idiot. Its like throwing away an unscracthed lotto ticket, just plain stupid, and someone wins the jack pot while you are B-R-O-K-E!
Logic: If you cannot stop comparing your current to your ex, you need to be alone. Humble and find yourself before you dare suck somebody into your messed up life! Give somebody else a chance for a good thing, cuz obviously YOU dont need it. If you are gonna compare some one to your ex, focus on the good! Like I said there is a reason they are your ex and you need to find the qualities that the current has that is better than the ex instead of the bad you. Because I'd rather be happy and alone then together and miserable!
BuGg LoGiC

la araña es gorda

Internet Gangsters, Thugs, Secret Societies and Conspiracy Theorists (Please, buy a bus ticket to hell)

Internet Gangsters, Thugs, Secret Societies and Conspiracy Theorists (Please, buy a bus ticket to hell)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Monday, July 25, 2011 at 1:23pm
Secret Societies, Conspiracy Theorists, and Internet Gangsters
This crap is an epidemic and needs to STOP! A few months ago a friend of mine posted that they were with someone who put and all seeing eye hand symbol in the air at a club. Please let a truck run over your torso, reverse, and do it again! If the illiminati (the enlighten and all seeing) secret society is suppose to be i dont know...SECRET...I highly doubt they want there symbol being thrown up in a public place, you Jackass! The illuminati where a group of people that thought outside the social, political, and religious norm, they were different...at first. They were they're own people, they lived to be different. But now these people have been associated with extremist groups, satanic religious groups, and our entertainers ie singers, dancers, actors pretty mucn people with alot of money. Even president Obama. First he was a communist, then a socialist, and even some articles say he is a Satanist for putting up a HOOK 'EM horns symbol. For those true illuminati all I have to say is eat a pinnacle of draco (please look up this reference), your society is not secret, you can find it on the internet with all your rules, regulations and ranks. And for those conspiracy thoerist that think everyone that has money or some sort of wealth is illuminiti and has sold there soul, get off your broke ass and stop saying crap like that. Just because you are broke doesn't mean that everyone with money has sold their soul, get off your ass and get a job you lazy paranoid bastard. I don't believe in secret societies, that means you have a plot for something big and something to hide. Now drinking beer with your buddies and talking polotics is fine, but when you have plots to overthrow governments and put your ogranization secret at top positions in companies, house of representatives, senate, ect yall are wusses. And this leads to you internet thugs and gangsters. Stop, just stop. What is the first rule of being a gangster....silence...Shut the hell up you fake internet bangers. To all the real gangsters that are sick of when someone "fake" comes at you and they have knowledge of your gang. You know why they have this info?....Because fakes and snitches put it up there! "Whats poppin slime, What's craccin cuz, its all about that 5, naw its all about that 6" Yall putting all the secrets and codes and lingo on the internet for everyone to see you morons. I thought this was for gangsters only, not the world! Real gangster dont have face book, you know why, they are on thier grind 24-7-365. They dont need 600 friends, because they trust no one, a way you have to be in this game. And quit actin tough. Yeah you're wearing a bandana, throwing up signs on face book, bet you wont do it in public! Sorry, if you are part of a gang, you do not care who is around, you will get your ass whipped for representing your set. So if you aint about it, stop, real gangsters will be at your front step! Lemme give you an example of a internet gangster/thug Some time ago I was defending a friend on facebook, and this guy was like " Hey , its none of your business" ....Really? You and I are on a publicly traded forum of ideas and free speech (so for those who air there dirty laundry on facebook, thank you, it makes for good reading) and you are gonna tell me its none of my business....Drink some gasoline and eat a lit match you internet Nimrod. How you going to talk all sorts of crap when you are on a keyboard? Then this fool told me after I told him its public now, so you cant talk, his reply was" Why dont you shut it for me bitch!" Now, I ate that you know why, IM GROWN! I dont need to entertain this idiot. This dude was 40 years old talking like he's a O.G. on the block, just quit. Because I was standing infront of him, he would say that, because he is infact soft like hot marshmellows on hot foil. And you know who you are, if you want give me your address, a time to meet you and next time I'm in that area you can "shut me up" ( and I really do mean that). I admit I am a hoodlum, I am a 23 year old hell raiser, outspoken and second to none in my own mind, but I dont sit there and claim online, or do gang lingo, because whether you like it or not, jobs look at these profiles, and recently it aint to hard to hack facebook. You think police are finding you because your "hot in the streets or on the block" nope! Its facebook, blogs, and profiles, so to all you 5's and sixes with gang affiliation on the internet, someone knows and it can bite you in the ass one day.
Logic: Secret societies are dumb and have something to hide, Even the klan doesn't hide their faces anymore. Conspiracy theorists, not everything is conspiracy, just because I win the lotto does not make me Illuminati. Internet thugs and gangsters, if you are real, delete your face book and get on the block like you claim in your status.
*note: if I dont post anything by monday, that means i have pissed someone off and I am wearing cement boots in the bottom of a lake
BuGg LoGiC

Interracial, Stereo Types, And Racial Pride (does it make any sense?)

Interracial, Stereo Types, And Racial Pride (does it make any sense?)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 9:54am
Being proud of race.
You can't be proud of something you didn't have any say so of making. I will never say I'm proud to be black, I can be happy that I am, not proud. How the hell can you be proud being born a race? Answer me that. You should only be proud of yourself as a person, not a color or heritage. I'm proud of what I do. Its those people that have so much pride in their race or heritage to the point of biggotry and racism that I have a huge problem with. Just like those dads that want thier daughters only to date that thier race. " My daughter is gonna marry an Irish man." You are a tool, you porcupine's butthole. When people immagrated to this country, the mixing and migling started. In "Gangs of New York" there was a line "a jig doing a jig" or a half black half irish kid doing a dance. This has been going on for years. You don't exactly know what the hell you are! Thomas Jefferson was stirring the coffee for a minute remember. He had a black mistress for years (hey everything goes good with chocolate). So don't say you are a pure anything because youre most likely not. Hell, I keep finding out different things every year about my race structure, Im just plain confused! For those guys that want their offspring to date or have relations inside thier own race, i hope they marry someone completely outside their race and have some little half breed grandchildren running around terroizing everything, I really do. Another point, I think Multicultural-race people are some of the most beautiful people on the planet. Tell me one man who wouldn't get with Halle, Alicia Keys, Cassie Ventura, Amerrie, and if you can tell me any man who wouldn't, then he is gay! Matter of fact, even some gay guys will break out of the homo shell to get wih Jessica Alba! Ladies, don't even front, Shemar Moore, Derek Jeter, Blake Griffin(great last name by the way) back in the day it was Freddie prince Jr, tell me if one of the dudes walked up to you the drawers wouldn't just shoot off, tell me, I dare you cuz you going straight to hell because it would be a bold face lie. You cant elll me mixed people aint beautiful. Take for instance, Jennifer Lopez. "But Bugg she is puerto rican?" what do puerto ricans originate from? largely the descendants of Europeans, Taíno, Africans or a blend of these groups which has produced a very diversified population. LIKE OMG, puerto ricans are a mix of people?! yes, so are dominicans and black americans (not african americans, we were not born in africa! Our roots start here in the USA!) Black americans have alot of native american and white in the blood line, Like I said before, slave owners dipping in the chocolate. Thats why you can tell the difference between and African and a Black American most of the time (regarldless of me wearing a dashiki). Then that brings me to stereo types. Have you been the only person at a party of get together of your race or culture? People start the talking and asking you stupid questions" Why do black people love chikcen so much? Why do black people eat so much watermelon? Why do black people use coacoa butter instead of regular lotion?" One: everyone loves chikcen! dont care who you are, you like chicken, Two: I dont eat watermelon like that, so i dont know that answer. Three, the lotion thing I dont really know, it smells good and im not as ashy or dry skinned when i put it on, its a damn miracle! It's not like cracking jokes at work" Hey Bugg, did your gangster ass steal a TV today" Ha Ha, did you pull a Bernie Madoff and imbezzle alot of money from a company (look up the reference). It was serious ass questions! That's what made me mad! All people have stereo types: spanish women and tempers, asains and their docileness, black people and thier attitudes, mexicans with rice and beans, white people and them secretly ruling th world dont act like your race or culture doesn't have a stereo type, most likely I'm making fun of it!
What does that tell you? One that a penis has one eye and poor vision (why can't the human race?), two: that a womans body can hold a life of any race! AND Three :you cannot stop the stirring of the races you proud idiots! And you proud bastards (the ones that you wouldn't let your daughter date me because i was black) I hope you have Halfrican grandchildren and they eat all the chicken and watermelon and tap dance to make your worst nightmare come true! Make fun of the stereo types, it does two things: Opens peoples eyes not to play into the stereo type and it bring people together through laughter. If you can't laugh you sure is hell aint living. And love the person for WHO they are personality and spiritually wise. Everyone was made different so there could be no perfection
BuGg LoGiC

Saturday morning cartoons, Talk shows , and who da babby daddy! (I hate not having cable...shit!)

Saturday morning cartoons, Talk shows , and who da babby daddy! (I hate not having cable...shit!)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 3:19pm
Since the cancelling of my cable (well a nigga got to save money) well, I got to say, What in the blue hell happen to afterschool cartoons on atenna? Really, I remember back in the day, it was Animainiacs, Pinky and the Brain, Beetle Borgs, Power Rangers, yall know, good cartoons. I come home and turn on the tv and there are no cartoons just talk shows filled with dumb ass red necks and niggas about "He's that babies daddy! Im 1000 percent sure! Look at his eyes!" Can we bring back the good cartoons, cartoons that made sense. No offense to all the japanese anime fans, but every damn Saturday morning cartoon is japanese animated with shit voice overs. Make the mayhem stop. Pokemon was the first and it spread like a stripper when the Dallas Cowboys walk in. It got so popular that every other show has to do with either cards or mistical creatures or both (F#$k!$& YU-GUI-OH) fighting where the dudes look like emo's and the women look like little boys with bows in their hair! Digimon, pokemon, and shitty-mon, we need Ninja Turtles, Street Sharks, VR Troopers, The old school batman cartoon where he whipped some major ass! Speaking of horrible tv, can we get a talk show that actually talks about issues instead of infidelity and baby daddies. Yall remember Ricki Lake? I loved that show, she talked about the school system, kids acting a fool, alcohol interventions, it was a great show(even though Ricki looked like a bag of mash potatoes) Jerry, if you read this, this aint for you, you started it of you are original, keep it gangsta. Maury use to be a semi intelligent show, talked about issues, aids, love, encarciration, everything now its nothing but a trip to connecticut and a free paternity test and mostly a total loss of self respect. I mostly hate the damn audience Booooooo Boooooooooo, . You know why? When a woman makes out to be a saint and she says" Oh he's a dog, he got his and left, this baby is his, look at that babies back" For real? Look at that baby's back? And the audience justs eats it the hell up, all you hear is yes yes yes. Just kill yourself. A test may cost 400 dollars but it is worth the money believe me because some one is getting embarrased. And when those results come out, and the baby aint his, and this nigga is doing the bugaloo victory dance and this girl is crying like "there is no way I had another penis inside me" You know what you did, you better be humble and save a couple of checks and ask that man to get the test done. A real man will do it hands down if he was getting the skins with no rubber. Now ladies I dunno why you let some bummy ass men in and get your panties and then say he aint shit. You knew he wasn't shit before that. Men lie to get drawers and you know that as a woman. If you have a funny feeling he aint shit, please wear a condom, dental damn, spermicide but remember nothing is 100 percent. But if this bum doesn't want to get the test, get the authorities involved. Like my other post about women hitting men (call the cops) don't get your hands dirty ladies. And if one thing I do know, cops love dealing with bums and no good ass men, love it. And when you find out if it is his or not, if it is get your child support ask him to be in the kids life, because guess what its his desicion to be in the kids life or not, so dont expect them to become super man over night, especially if the man already has a family and you where the little on the side. And if he is not the father, humble yourself and do some detective work and remember what you hopped on. You are not a ho in any manner, but you will be look at as one. Fellas, claim your kids, some dudes and ladies aint blessed enough to have any. So matter how many kids you have look at them as a blessing and be there, a phone call wont kill you.
Logic: Bring back the good cartoons, or someone buy the box set and we can have a bowl of cereal like back in the day and watch the cartoons 90's style. Bring back good talk shows, have some positive issues on these shows, I'm tired of the triffling ass people on these shows just making lose all faith in the human race. And get tested for everything, keep your drama to your drama, not the worlds ( I know these shows are atleast 50% fake but still) Ladies be what you are, A LADY, and carry yourself as one. Just because you got knocked up by a bum doesn't mean to lower yourself to his level. Fellas, dont give any female any reason to ask you for this test, or to act crazy. and if you got the skins and she comes to you asking for a test, dont act crazy, if shes paying do the test, and if it is yours be a man because child support sucks!
BuGg LoGiC

Feminist, Conformity, Insecurity through media

Feminist, Conformity, Insecurity through media (Yeah...I got really pissed this morning)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 10:30am
Dont conform to make some one happy. Be yourself. I'm a nerd with a bunch of tattoos and I try to separate myself from the social norm. For people that know me, I listen to all trypes of music especially rock (not like some of this new generation that is wearing skinny jeans and misfits shirts and can't tell me who Danzig is!). I caught some shit when I was younger in Jr High and High School, " You a white boy nigga, real niggas dont listen to that shit!" Hmmmm ok you garden variety *sambo, didn't Lil Jon sample from Ozzy Ozborne in lets go with the same guitar rift from Crazy train? And don't tell me when that song came on all the "real Niggas" weren't hype. Because he didn't conform to the social norm everyone thought he was suppose to be in and that is how you make money and live happy, be yourself. If I disagree with you and your feelings get hurt, sorry, find some one you can run over not me, im no doormat. Just because a significant other likes the color red (which almost everyone does now) doesn't mean ima like it. I like blue, got a problem, dont let my foot hit where the good lord split you and have a soft landing on the concrete! Men, dont conform to what your ladies say or want you to do, she suppose to love you for you and if you drink beer, fart, and dig in your ass, do it, she knew it when she got with you. Ladies dont conform to men. Love yourself and the guy should love you for you, there is a reason he is sticking around if all you do is bitch at him all day, he loves the bitch in you, he likes it when you get angry and all riled up, Dont let anyone roll over you. And this magazine crap, ok its not just for the ladies anymore. Fellas, we can't all be amercrombie and fitch models( I dont why a grown man would like to look like a guy who is constipated and covered in sand, why sand I have no clue) Going to the gym and getting your lift on aint bad, stop over doing it. When the gym affects your social life there is a huge problem just like Jersey shore, gym, tan , laundry. How about you put on some laundry detergent like lotion and burn to death in a tanning bed. All men aint created that way. Ladies, be you, I think the sexiest thing a woman wears is a nice pair of jeans and a shirt. Just because your jeans are from last year doesn't mean you can't get me. I have jeans from high school and people think they are vintage. The victoria secret thing is cool every once in a while, but ladies yall are not all these skinny models. Us guys know that, if we are still with you that means we like you, not that silk push up you got from Vicky's, we know the truth your boobs are pointing straight to the floor. We know your ass doesn't look like that in those jeans with the "booty pop" you have more dents in your cheeks than a junkyard 87 cutlass. We love you , not the crap you wear. Stop believing these magazines what women want / what men want. Do this crazy thing...ask...ladies you might here some nasty shit, just warning you, fellas, its gonna be listen, be honest (that one is a lie), treat her like a lady not just a girl friend or wife. But remember everyone is different and your wife might be a freak, you 'll never know unless you ask. That brings me to feminists. I was watching cnn this morning and this man basher said, that " men demand we look a certain way and that is why we are so self concious" No you are self concious because of you. If a guy really wanted to have all the stuff we supposidly demand, we would have nothing but models walking around in thongs and boyshorts with huge boobs that are quiet. Is that a reality....hell no....and I can say i dont like feminists, now independent women that is completely different, independent women actually can tollerate and love a man, Feminists have some inner hatred toward men to the point of where it is unhealthy(because you come at me side ways, ima cruch your skull in). " I dont need you to open a door for me! I dont need you to say excuse me! I can pee standing up like you!" Shut up please, there is strong then there is bull headed. If a man opens the door for you he is being nice. If a guy pulls a chair out for you, he's being nice. He's not always trying to get your goodies. And men dont plot to make a woman submissive, a woman allows that to happen, you are a human you can stand on your own two feet! Woman power, well its getting up there with black power, black pride, and white power if you ask me, and extremist is an extremist. Period
Logic: Be your own person, stop being a puppet to be played with, I cut my strings at a young age (not to say I havent played the fool once or twice) but im me. Stop feeding in to the social media, it says this way of life will make you happy, no you make you happy, it all starts with you. Feminists...I hope you all have beautiful baby boys and they grown up and treat you like shit like you treat us good males who believe in equality but have a realistic outlook on life. Stop being angry at something and try to fix it through extreme measures Mussolini, Adolph,and Omar al-Bashir had an idea and used extreme tactics.
BuGg LoGiC

Spoiled Kids, Respect and parents (PARENTS! STOP BEING SO DAMN SOFT)

Spoiled Kids, Respect and parents (PARENTS! STOP BEING SO DAMN SOFT)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Friday, July 29, 2011 at 11:19am
I get the idea of spoiling kids, yall know, they did a good job on something, christmas, birthdays, that kinda stuff. But if you had to witness some of this crap I had to, you would beat a child in a second. At walmart, getting a video game that I think I earned, you know treat your self. And this kid at the register is losing it like he's gettin a lit cigarette put out in his eye. And ofcourse my inquisitive (another word for nosey) ass, peeked around to see what's the matter. And the mom replies to this kid, who's not even 10 yet," Im not getting you the elite and these games because you failed in math" WHAT!? He is still getting shit and he failed a class?! I would of got something from my mom...and asswhoppin, extra work and 16 hour lock down (8 hour school day subtracted from the 24 hours in a day) and no tv. My mom just didnt have a purse, She had a weapon! That purse strap came off and it was an anywhere any time ass whoopin, beacause I was fuckin up! That's the parenting. Getting cells phones at the age of nine?! Bruh at nine i wasnt allowed out of my gagrage! But these lil bastards are getting cell phones and going to the movies by thierselves...can we say child abduction?! In my book, you gotta a cell phone its because you are doing things...... like a job! You have to earn it. And if I can't were polo, gucci, ed hardy, my kids sure as hell aint wearing it. We will shop at Wally world, Marshalls, TJ MaXX and Ross like we Chris Tucker broke! At the age of 9 I had a work ethic, I didn't complain, I listened to my parents, and I ate what was cooked, You didnt want it guess what you go to sleep hungry. And that leads me to my next topic, teenagers and the crap they get away with now. My mom always told me," Look, you aint never too old for an asswhoopin" and I believe that. Some of these kids need to get Roy Jones'd real quick and remember who is the parent and provider in the situation. Kids smacking their moms, SSSSSSHHHHHYYYYYIIIIIIIIT! My mom will have me twisted up like a soft pretzel. I remember growing up, my grandma didn't play" Boy, ill tie your lips in a bow and your asshole into a knot!" or " Look, keep messin, Ill comb your hair with my fist!" I remember times like that, I was 16 still catchin an asswhoopin. Some people talk back to their grandparents! It'll be a happy day in hell when ever I do that! I would got beat by Mom, aunts, uncles, older cousins and then I would have to work manual labor. And grown ass kids crying about shit they want and their parents wont get. Kill yourself now, believe the world is harder than getting your parents to buy you some loafers you can get at payless for about 100 dollars cheaper! If you want it you work! Get a job, make your own money, thats how you do it! And it's the spoiled kids with every freedom in the world that get pregnant or get someone pregnant, then years later the kid is calling thier grandma mom and granpa dad, their dad brother or thier mom sister. I'd be damned if I take care of my teenagers kid, dont get me wrong Ill be there to help, not be daddy. I even hate the people in my generation that would do crap like this and think thier life is their own, NO, you have a child your life is thiers. Your life goes to that child because it was once a part of you. Period. I feel sorry for my children, I do, because they are gonna come home and say " Well Jimmy doesn't get treated like this, Diwaun doesn't get treated like this." Welll Im not thier dad, you are gonna know what it means to work, what it means to be humble, what it means to have respect! Mom didn't raise a punk and I aint raising any either. Because unless Im hurting you some how to the point where its life endangering then I would understand, but if Im not beating you like a run away slave or treating you like a red headed step child, my suggestion is get a job, and get out my house, plain and simple.
Logic: Disapline your kids, please, beat they asses! Everyone is so afraid of repercution by law enforcement that they dont wanna lay a hand on thier own child if they are fucking up! Fuck that, beat them, they will thank you for it later. I dont care how old they are, NO ONE IS TOO OLD FOR AN ASSWHOOPIN! Make your kids work, keep em busy, it will keep them out of trouble! Teach em respect and how to be a grown man or grown woman, Ladies I know some of yall dont have that man there that yall want to teach your boys, that means get your brother, good friend, uncles and give them permission to whip ass, teach him respect, and how to carry himself as a man. Dont let me baby sit, your kids aint gonna get time out, its listen or get hit. Sit down or get hit. Eat or starve. Go to sleep or ima put you to sleep. You are not teaching the kid fear, you are teaching them respect. Sometimes I do believe "Spare the rod, spoil the child" if they earn it. But besides that, you are teaching another part of you how to be respectful and responsible
BuGg LoGiC

Religion, Accidents, 100 Percent

Religion, Accidents, 100 Percent (If I am struck down by lightning God has no sense of Humor!)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Monday, August 1, 2011 at 7:58pm
Religion is not bad on its own, but organized religion not so good (im probably going to hell for this). I think religion should be a series of ideas, ideas can be changed, organized religion is law. And the way this stuff is written it makes me sick, you mean to tell me that Jesus died a virgin? Or magically turned from 12 to 30? Give me a break, Jesus was a man, an extrodinary man, but a man. How would you feel if you missed all of your 20's and had to die for a people who didn't care about you and till this day some people still don't care. Remember folks the bible was written by man, man is fallable (able to fall). Women are made out to be evil, you know original sin, head of John the baptist ( I think all women are evil to a point, they control all men whether we like it or not) but some of the best and loving people are women, they house a life and when a child hurts themselves they call for mommy. Now here are just a few things I cant get passed basic logic!: Catholosism, to me I like the whole idea that everything is black and white with no grey. But due to human nature all together we are both good and evil. Dont believe me, dont you just wanna smack your boss, child, significant other, parents? Wrath. Has some one gotten your drawers wet just by looking at them and imagine something? Lust. A little mad someone that you dislike is doing a little better than you or has something you want or the asshole that is dating the person of your dreams. Envy! Everyone has felt this at least once in there life time. And you must confess your sins to a man! What the hell happened to talking to god! God said, "Come to me, and I shall carry your burden" not this this man, he has his own life and own worries. And due to catholic rule you just might burn eternally...sucks right. As a mormon, you cannot have anything that is mind altering: cigarettes, soda, even rated r movies...I say ney to this, I love movies and people that let movies influence them to kill need to beaten savagely by bunch of no-named actors. Its entertainment, not a sin. Muslims cant eat pork, due to it is a filthy disgusting animal. The first thing as a human, I want to survive! You but a pile of fried desert rats after not eating anything for a week, I tell you one thing, you wouldn't see one rat left. Number two, bacon is fucking delicious. Here is what god wants you to do, and this is just me talking...live. My secret to life is: you eat to live, to sleep to give you more energy to live the next day, you shit, well no one likes to be constipated, and you have fun without deliberately hurting anyone( due to you are gonna hurt someone no matter what, sorry thats life) because accidents can be forgiven. Now accidently falling on a penis or falling into vagina that you shouldn't falling into, thats different. "it was an accident! Im sorry! I was really vuenrable at that time!" Nope you made conceince decision to do that and if it messes up your relationship, hey tough titty. I hate it when people say, it was an accident. BE REAL! You were horny, you wanted to get yours and you got it, dont be mad when it comes back to bite you in the ass. Fellas when your girl asks "did you have sex with one of my friends?" Please own up to it, no matter what its gonna be bad, she already knows from your friend. Because the friend knows how your dick looks like. No matter what its not gonna be good for you, if it was before or after, especially if it you introduced her to this girl to be friends. You will be surprised on how much this shit happens. All she is gonna wanna do is kill the other girl you gave the nasty to. That leads me to the phrase "keeping it 100". No one does so shut the hell up. Women especially, like Ive said before, women can hold secrets till their death bed and wont tell a soul, it is truly between her and god. If a person kept it 100 with you or even 65 percent, no one would be with anyone. Some people can handle the truth about themselves, what in the blue hell do you think they can handle your screwed up ass? If you admit to a man that you where a ho, shit you just lost a potential boy friend or gained a pimp! If you admit to a woman that you were a dog and slept with any girl that was willing, you have just been labled a dog and she is gonna tell all her friends who is gonna tell their friends and you shall be getting no booty at all unless you pay for it (because even some hos wont fuck with a dog...funny how that works huh).
Logic: Dont challenge God, challenge what has been written, if it was written by man, man most likely put something he wants in there, sometimes logic goes over organized religion. Accidents, everyone has them, but remember, God gave you free will and logic, use it, it might save you a little ass chewing or heartache in the future. If you are gonna keep it 100, keep it 100, if you are a ho, dog, slob, criminal, or just plain asshole admit it, if the person likes you for you it really shouldn't fucking matter. I may say stuff that pisses people off...I dont give a fuck, as god said to moses ," Who gave man mouth?!" God did, not you so Ima say what the fuck I want.
BuGg LoGiC

What women and men really want, nice people and messed up relationships

What women and men really want, nice people and messed up relationships

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 8:23pm
What a woman wants from a man, easy to treat her like a lady...Nope that is a bold face lie. Women...ahem, girls say they want a nice guy. Nope they want to change a bad boy into a nice guy. Ladies you cant change us! If a guy is a douche bag, idiot, a dog or gay you are not going to change him! You tell your friends "I'm change him and he is going to ask me to marry him" Nigga, are you high, stupid or slow. Men may be dumb but we know who we are, we know that you know who we are, but we also know you are going to try to change us. We will lead you to believe that we changed for you, we are more caring, that we like watching "The note book" or "Dear John" 8000 fucking times. Guess what we got you! We ask you to marry you because we got you! We got what we wanted, that means the real asshole comes out and you gotta deal with it, because all you wanted was a ring....BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If a guy was a ho before, and he's young...9 times outta 10 he is going to fuck some one else. If a guy was lazy before he met you and he was the energizer bunny afterward when he got with you, when you get that lock down ring...lazy ass returns. Fellas what do we want initially...ass and titties and quiet. But we get that maybe the first month, once we get the drawers that opens the flood gate for complaints, the bitching and the nasty shit that a woman wouldnt do infront of you know it happens: Farting, burping, digging in there ass like the cure for cancer is in it, hey you want one part of her you got all of her. This brings me to people being too nice, some people revert back to who they were: the bum, the bitch, the ho and then the other person continues to be nice." But what if the person is naturally nice in nature?" Well that dumb ass has a looong time ahead of them! People that are too nice are the ones in debt, pissed off, always optomistic in a straight bull shit situation. It's not too hard to be realistic every once in awhile. Im sorry, if you shit on me when Im nice to you, dont let the size 11 hit you square in your asshole on the way out( I know the asshole isn't square more of a circle but whatever). God gave you logic for a reason, "This person is fucking with my money, my time and most of all the well being of me" Toss there shit on the freeway while it is on fire and tell them do not come back! There is nothing wrong with being nice, but being a door mat aint the way to live life. Id rather be on my own happy then together and miserable! That brings me to my final thought of staying with a mother fucker and complaining! Shut the hell up! Staple your lips together if you're gonna stay with them! You are not allowed to talk, to me about your problems. " She keep cheating on me! He gave me the clap! He aint shit!" ...Why in the hell are you still with them?! "Cause I love them" Well sure as fuck dont love you to cause you this pain. Cause Ima tell it to you straight, leave or have fun with another STD!
What do men and women want mutually: No bull shit, and dont settle down so young because you dont know what you are going to want in the years to come, dont get me wrong, I wish the best for every young married or settled couple and dont be surprised when shit turns upsidedown. Nice people, get sack and some balls and fill it and look in the mirror and look at how being so nice and getting shit on aged you so bad. Please nice people know when to be nice, no when to be the bitch or asshole (once in a while it is sexy to see a person get nice and mad). People that are stuck with someone that hey keep complaining about, either cheat and get what you want or easy, leave! Leave, run like you beat someone esles child in walmart! Think about your situation and use LOGIC!
BuGg LoGic

skinny jeans, Swag, Catch phrases

Skinny jeans, Swag, Catch phrases

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Thursday, August 4, 2011 at 12:16pm
Skinny jeans and gangster...Stop it doesnt exsist! You wanna act hard nigga while you are wearing pants that i can see all the change in your pocket?! Thats like a nigga walking up with fur boots throwing up gang signs! When NWA was wearing jeans, yes the were not like the 90's and early 2000's where it was so baggy that you could sweep the floor with the hem of the pants, but it was not to the point wear you felt the pulse in your penis for the majority of the day. And on top of that you wanna wear big shoes with them! I remember when you had to tuck in the bottom of your pants into your socks so they wouldnt get dirty on the way to school, but when your pants automatically come into your pants, thats a problem. Real gangsters dont where tight pants, they need room to hide things: guns, drugs, weapons and or stolen merchandise. Guys wearing skinny acting hard...yall are fags, go to some real gangsters and learn some ways. I honestly know punk rockers that are harder than you. The whole 80's shit is getting out of hand, the loud shirts and snap back hats, I under stand that time and history repeats itself, but this whole "its my swag" crap and saying swag or some dumb ass catch phrase after every damn sentence you say, you sound stupid and slow! People talking about cookies and shit " Man these chocolate chips are hitting the spot...SWAG!" WHAT? Why are you saying swag after something that has nothing to do with swag. Ima just start saying booty after everything! Man I just painted my house...BOOTY! Shut the hell up! You know crazy people do shit like that!? Willy the wino, yes there is one on every block in every town, he may be the town drunk and say some shit like this," Well can you spare some change,PENIS, i could really use a meal" Do you really thing people are going to take you seriously saying some dumb shit like swag or yee after everything you say? Kill yourself. Speaking about swag, I lhave none, Nigga I am my own man. These cookie cutter gangsters wearing skinny jeans, snap back hats, and bright colors, with skater shoes (and yall dont even fucking skate, yall kill me with that shit!) talking about " That nigga is bitting my swag" what because he is wearing the same shirt from the same store with a band on it that you dont even know nor listen to you fad fag! I wear what i want, i listen to what I want, people that follow fashion or either broke, spoiled, miserable, fake because they are keeping up a so called "life style" that works on your confidence and makes you superficial idiot.
Logic: Tight pants and trying to be hard, stop, fucking stop. Stop stealing your moms pants that she is wearing because of her mid life crisis. Stop sounding like a retard with the catch phrases like you have fucking terets! Its not swag, its a fad, its not a life style, its a fad so that means live your life by you not by tv or magazines, you'll live longer and have more money in your pocket.
BuGg LoGiC
BuGg LoGic

Old school parenting, Ninja asswhoopins, and Grown ass kids!

Old school parenting, Ninja asswhoopins, and Grown ass kids!

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Friday, August 12, 2011 at 11:32pm
Oh I remember the days of living with my parents, I remember when I couldn't leave my street and go in the house when the street lights came on. Now kids go missing, molested, fucked up all sorts of ways because parents aint parents! You get your kids a cell phone doesn't mean that they are safe and you dont know what the hell they are doing or where. You where kids once you know what they hell we did, sneek out, sneek people into your mom's house and did your nasty, doing shit we were told not to do. Kids are going to be kids, understand that, because if you don't you my friend are going to have a loooong parenthood ahead of you. I you can do your best with the way you know, but if you know its wrong dont do it. You know its wrong to break a kids arm if they spill a glass of milk! But if they set the family cat on fire and they just get a talking too, please take a sledge hammer and beat your skull in. You have to find a happy medium with raising and disiplining your children. My mom had a rule " If you fuck up, you get fucked up" plain and simple. I cussed a teacher out, I get fucked up, I punch a whole in the wall, I get fucked up! I went to the next street over where my mom couldnt see me, I get fucked up and the people I was with getting fucked up!(all parties are guilty till proven innocent!) People its called the wire: You get caught fucking up by a friend of a friend of you mom sister, it travels back to your mom, then the ninja ass whoopin comes. The ninja ass whoopin was you did something and your mom knew and you didnt know she knew and that ass whoopin comes out of no where! Or you get the pre ass whoopin talk, you still dont know that she knows what you did, and soon as you walk in the house," Soooooo, what did you do today?" Your reply nothing, went to school, at a home boy's house. And you notice furniture is just moved around where there is more space in the living room and your mom aint wearing her work clothes, she's wearing sweats, an old ass tshirt, and some nikes...that is your ass! And you know you did something wrong take that ass whoopin and go on with your life. That is parents being parents, and thats what you need to be, PARENTS! You are not these kids friends, you are the person who is going prepare them for life. I'm happy the way I was raised, my mom was a mom and now she is a friend, because my black ass is out her house. Ive been doing my grown man shit for years, and I plan to keep on doing it. You people that are over the age of 22 and you still with you parents, put a leash on your neck and learn how to roll over because you are in your parents house, they pay the bills and made that house a home and you fuckers have the nerve to complain about how you have no freedom...go be a bum that is ultimate freedom, no rules, can talk to yourself and people leave you alone. But you bitch made fuckers say" oh my god, my mom gets pissed when I come home late" I would be too! Come to my house drunk at 3 am and break my shit and I gotta be at work in 2 hours, fuck you! I have all rights to fuck you up, in my house, in the bed paid for you are sleeping in. And I blame the fucking parents because some parents let these grown ass people stay on the titty...fuck you too you punk ass parent!
Logic: You know if you have good parents, listen to him, and if you dont have good parents you still know right from wrong, If you were molested as child you no damn well not fuck with little kids! Treat others like you want to be treated, easy! Take your ass whoopins, those ass whoopins teach you right, wrong, and keep you out of bull shit you shouldnt be doing in the first place. And if you are grown still living with your parents and still complaining about your parents move out! If there is will there is a way, I moved out and was gone, I lived on a ship, but I had my own space! Its just like people that dont vote and complain about the president, bush obama clinton, you didnt vote, You have noooooooo say so in shit just like you have no say so in your parents house if you live there past the age of 22.
BuGg LoGic