Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Spoiled Kids, Respect and parents (PARENTS! STOP BEING SO DAMN SOFT)

Spoiled Kids, Respect and parents (PARENTS! STOP BEING SO DAMN SOFT)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Friday, July 29, 2011 at 11:19am
I get the idea of spoiling kids, yall know, they did a good job on something, christmas, birthdays, that kinda stuff. But if you had to witness some of this crap I had to, you would beat a child in a second. At walmart, getting a video game that I think I earned, you know treat your self. And this kid at the register is losing it like he's gettin a lit cigarette put out in his eye. And ofcourse my inquisitive (another word for nosey) ass, peeked around to see what's the matter. And the mom replies to this kid, who's not even 10 yet," Im not getting you the elite and these games because you failed in math" WHAT!? He is still getting shit and he failed a class?! I would of got something from my mom...and asswhoppin, extra work and 16 hour lock down (8 hour school day subtracted from the 24 hours in a day) and no tv. My mom just didnt have a purse, She had a weapon! That purse strap came off and it was an anywhere any time ass whoopin, beacause I was fuckin up! That's the parenting. Getting cells phones at the age of nine?! Bruh at nine i wasnt allowed out of my gagrage! But these lil bastards are getting cell phones and going to the movies by thierselves...can we say child abduction?! In my book, you gotta a cell phone its because you are doing things...... like a job! You have to earn it. And if I can't were polo, gucci, ed hardy, my kids sure as hell aint wearing it. We will shop at Wally world, Marshalls, TJ MaXX and Ross like we Chris Tucker broke! At the age of 9 I had a work ethic, I didn't complain, I listened to my parents, and I ate what was cooked, You didnt want it guess what you go to sleep hungry. And that leads me to my next topic, teenagers and the crap they get away with now. My mom always told me," Look, you aint never too old for an asswhoopin" and I believe that. Some of these kids need to get Roy Jones'd real quick and remember who is the parent and provider in the situation. Kids smacking their moms, SSSSSSHHHHHYYYYYIIIIIIIIT! My mom will have me twisted up like a soft pretzel. I remember growing up, my grandma didn't play" Boy, ill tie your lips in a bow and your asshole into a knot!" or " Look, keep messin, Ill comb your hair with my fist!" I remember times like that, I was 16 still catchin an asswhoopin. Some people talk back to their grandparents! It'll be a happy day in hell when ever I do that! I would got beat by Mom, aunts, uncles, older cousins and then I would have to work manual labor. And grown ass kids crying about shit they want and their parents wont get. Kill yourself now, believe the world is harder than getting your parents to buy you some loafers you can get at payless for about 100 dollars cheaper! If you want it you work! Get a job, make your own money, thats how you do it! And it's the spoiled kids with every freedom in the world that get pregnant or get someone pregnant, then years later the kid is calling thier grandma mom and granpa dad, their dad brother or thier mom sister. I'd be damned if I take care of my teenagers kid, dont get me wrong Ill be there to help, not be daddy. I even hate the people in my generation that would do crap like this and think thier life is their own, NO, you have a child your life is thiers. Your life goes to that child because it was once a part of you. Period. I feel sorry for my children, I do, because they are gonna come home and say " Well Jimmy doesn't get treated like this, Diwaun doesn't get treated like this." Welll Im not thier dad, you are gonna know what it means to work, what it means to be humble, what it means to have respect! Mom didn't raise a punk and I aint raising any either. Because unless Im hurting you some how to the point where its life endangering then I would understand, but if Im not beating you like a run away slave or treating you like a red headed step child, my suggestion is get a job, and get out my house, plain and simple.
Logic: Disapline your kids, please, beat they asses! Everyone is so afraid of repercution by law enforcement that they dont wanna lay a hand on thier own child if they are fucking up! Fuck that, beat them, they will thank you for it later. I dont care how old they are, NO ONE IS TOO OLD FOR AN ASSWHOOPIN! Make your kids work, keep em busy, it will keep them out of trouble! Teach em respect and how to be a grown man or grown woman, Ladies I know some of yall dont have that man there that yall want to teach your boys, that means get your brother, good friend, uncles and give them permission to whip ass, teach him respect, and how to carry himself as a man. Dont let me baby sit, your kids aint gonna get time out, its listen or get hit. Sit down or get hit. Eat or starve. Go to sleep or ima put you to sleep. You are not teaching the kid fear, you are teaching them respect. Sometimes I do believe "Spare the rod, spoil the child" if they earn it. But besides that, you are teaching another part of you how to be respectful and responsible
BuGg LoGiC

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