Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Feminist, Conformity, Insecurity through media

Feminist, Conformity, Insecurity through media (Yeah...I got really pissed this morning)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 10:30am
Dont conform to make some one happy. Be yourself. I'm a nerd with a bunch of tattoos and I try to separate myself from the social norm. For people that know me, I listen to all trypes of music especially rock (not like some of this new generation that is wearing skinny jeans and misfits shirts and can't tell me who Danzig is!). I caught some shit when I was younger in Jr High and High School, " You a white boy nigga, real niggas dont listen to that shit!" Hmmmm ok you garden variety *sambo, didn't Lil Jon sample from Ozzy Ozborne in lets go with the same guitar rift from Crazy train? And don't tell me when that song came on all the "real Niggas" weren't hype. Because he didn't conform to the social norm everyone thought he was suppose to be in and that is how you make money and live happy, be yourself. If I disagree with you and your feelings get hurt, sorry, find some one you can run over not me, im no doormat. Just because a significant other likes the color red (which almost everyone does now) doesn't mean ima like it. I like blue, got a problem, dont let my foot hit where the good lord split you and have a soft landing on the concrete! Men, dont conform to what your ladies say or want you to do, she suppose to love you for you and if you drink beer, fart, and dig in your ass, do it, she knew it when she got with you. Ladies dont conform to men. Love yourself and the guy should love you for you, there is a reason he is sticking around if all you do is bitch at him all day, he loves the bitch in you, he likes it when you get angry and all riled up, Dont let anyone roll over you. And this magazine crap, ok its not just for the ladies anymore. Fellas, we can't all be amercrombie and fitch models( I dont why a grown man would like to look like a guy who is constipated and covered in sand, why sand I have no clue) Going to the gym and getting your lift on aint bad, stop over doing it. When the gym affects your social life there is a huge problem just like Jersey shore, gym, tan , laundry. How about you put on some laundry detergent like lotion and burn to death in a tanning bed. All men aint created that way. Ladies, be you, I think the sexiest thing a woman wears is a nice pair of jeans and a shirt. Just because your jeans are from last year doesn't mean you can't get me. I have jeans from high school and people think they are vintage. The victoria secret thing is cool every once in a while, but ladies yall are not all these skinny models. Us guys know that, if we are still with you that means we like you, not that silk push up you got from Vicky's, we know the truth your boobs are pointing straight to the floor. We know your ass doesn't look like that in those jeans with the "booty pop" you have more dents in your cheeks than a junkyard 87 cutlass. We love you , not the crap you wear. Stop believing these magazines what women want / what men want. Do this crazy thing...ask...ladies you might here some nasty shit, just warning you, fellas, its gonna be listen, be honest (that one is a lie), treat her like a lady not just a girl friend or wife. But remember everyone is different and your wife might be a freak, you 'll never know unless you ask. That brings me to feminists. I was watching cnn this morning and this man basher said, that " men demand we look a certain way and that is why we are so self concious" No you are self concious because of you. If a guy really wanted to have all the stuff we supposidly demand, we would have nothing but models walking around in thongs and boyshorts with huge boobs that are quiet. Is that a reality....hell no....and I can say i dont like feminists, now independent women that is completely different, independent women actually can tollerate and love a man, Feminists have some inner hatred toward men to the point of where it is unhealthy(because you come at me side ways, ima cruch your skull in). " I dont need you to open a door for me! I dont need you to say excuse me! I can pee standing up like you!" Shut up please, there is strong then there is bull headed. If a man opens the door for you he is being nice. If a guy pulls a chair out for you, he's being nice. He's not always trying to get your goodies. And men dont plot to make a woman submissive, a woman allows that to happen, you are a human you can stand on your own two feet! Woman power, well its getting up there with black power, black pride, and white power if you ask me, and extremist is an extremist. Period
Logic: Be your own person, stop being a puppet to be played with, I cut my strings at a young age (not to say I havent played the fool once or twice) but im me. Stop feeding in to the social media, it says this way of life will make you happy, no you make you happy, it all starts with you. Feminists...I hope you all have beautiful baby boys and they grown up and treat you like shit like you treat us good males who believe in equality but have a realistic outlook on life. Stop being angry at something and try to fix it through extreme measures Mussolini, Adolph,and Omar al-Bashir had an idea and used extreme tactics.
BuGg LoGiC

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