Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What women and men really want, nice people and messed up relationships

What women and men really want, nice people and messed up relationships

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 8:23pm
What a woman wants from a man, easy to treat her like a lady...Nope that is a bold face lie. Women...ahem, girls say they want a nice guy. Nope they want to change a bad boy into a nice guy. Ladies you cant change us! If a guy is a douche bag, idiot, a dog or gay you are not going to change him! You tell your friends "I'm change him and he is going to ask me to marry him" Nigga, are you high, stupid or slow. Men may be dumb but we know who we are, we know that you know who we are, but we also know you are going to try to change us. We will lead you to believe that we changed for you, we are more caring, that we like watching "The note book" or "Dear John" 8000 fucking times. Guess what we got you! We ask you to marry you because we got you! We got what we wanted, that means the real asshole comes out and you gotta deal with it, because all you wanted was a ring....BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If a guy was a ho before, and he's young...9 times outta 10 he is going to fuck some one else. If a guy was lazy before he met you and he was the energizer bunny afterward when he got with you, when you get that lock down ring...lazy ass returns. Fellas what do we want initially...ass and titties and quiet. But we get that maybe the first month, once we get the drawers that opens the flood gate for complaints, the bitching and the nasty shit that a woman wouldnt do infront of you know it happens: Farting, burping, digging in there ass like the cure for cancer is in it, hey you want one part of her you got all of her. This brings me to people being too nice, some people revert back to who they were: the bum, the bitch, the ho and then the other person continues to be nice." But what if the person is naturally nice in nature?" Well that dumb ass has a looong time ahead of them! People that are too nice are the ones in debt, pissed off, always optomistic in a straight bull shit situation. It's not too hard to be realistic every once in awhile. Im sorry, if you shit on me when Im nice to you, dont let the size 11 hit you square in your asshole on the way out( I know the asshole isn't square more of a circle but whatever). God gave you logic for a reason, "This person is fucking with my money, my time and most of all the well being of me" Toss there shit on the freeway while it is on fire and tell them do not come back! There is nothing wrong with being nice, but being a door mat aint the way to live life. Id rather be on my own happy then together and miserable! That brings me to my final thought of staying with a mother fucker and complaining! Shut the hell up! Staple your lips together if you're gonna stay with them! You are not allowed to talk, to me about your problems. " She keep cheating on me! He gave me the clap! He aint shit!" ...Why in the hell are you still with them?! "Cause I love them" Well sure as fuck dont love you to cause you this pain. Cause Ima tell it to you straight, leave or have fun with another STD!
What do men and women want mutually: No bull shit, and dont settle down so young because you dont know what you are going to want in the years to come, dont get me wrong, I wish the best for every young married or settled couple and dont be surprised when shit turns upsidedown. Nice people, get sack and some balls and fill it and look in the mirror and look at how being so nice and getting shit on aged you so bad. Please nice people know when to be nice, no when to be the bitch or asshole (once in a while it is sexy to see a person get nice and mad). People that are stuck with someone that hey keep complaining about, either cheat and get what you want or easy, leave! Leave, run like you beat someone esles child in walmart! Think about your situation and use LOGIC!
BuGg LoGic

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