Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Saturday morning cartoons, Talk shows , and who da babby daddy! (I hate not having cable...shit!)

Saturday morning cartoons, Talk shows , and who da babby daddy! (I hate not having cable...shit!)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 3:19pm
Since the cancelling of my cable (well a nigga got to save money) well, I got to say, What in the blue hell happen to afterschool cartoons on atenna? Really, I remember back in the day, it was Animainiacs, Pinky and the Brain, Beetle Borgs, Power Rangers, yall know, good cartoons. I come home and turn on the tv and there are no cartoons just talk shows filled with dumb ass red necks and niggas about "He's that babies daddy! Im 1000 percent sure! Look at his eyes!" Can we bring back the good cartoons, cartoons that made sense. No offense to all the japanese anime fans, but every damn Saturday morning cartoon is japanese animated with shit voice overs. Make the mayhem stop. Pokemon was the first and it spread like a stripper when the Dallas Cowboys walk in. It got so popular that every other show has to do with either cards or mistical creatures or both (F#$k!$& YU-GUI-OH) fighting where the dudes look like emo's and the women look like little boys with bows in their hair! Digimon, pokemon, and shitty-mon, we need Ninja Turtles, Street Sharks, VR Troopers, The old school batman cartoon where he whipped some major ass! Speaking of horrible tv, can we get a talk show that actually talks about issues instead of infidelity and baby daddies. Yall remember Ricki Lake? I loved that show, she talked about the school system, kids acting a fool, alcohol interventions, it was a great show(even though Ricki looked like a bag of mash potatoes) Jerry, if you read this, this aint for you, you started it of you are original, keep it gangsta. Maury use to be a semi intelligent show, talked about issues, aids, love, encarciration, everything now its nothing but a trip to connecticut and a free paternity test and mostly a total loss of self respect. I mostly hate the damn audience Booooooo Boooooooooo, . You know why? When a woman makes out to be a saint and she says" Oh he's a dog, he got his and left, this baby is his, look at that babies back" For real? Look at that baby's back? And the audience justs eats it the hell up, all you hear is yes yes yes. Just kill yourself. A test may cost 400 dollars but it is worth the money believe me because some one is getting embarrased. And when those results come out, and the baby aint his, and this nigga is doing the bugaloo victory dance and this girl is crying like "there is no way I had another penis inside me" You know what you did, you better be humble and save a couple of checks and ask that man to get the test done. A real man will do it hands down if he was getting the skins with no rubber. Now ladies I dunno why you let some bummy ass men in and get your panties and then say he aint shit. You knew he wasn't shit before that. Men lie to get drawers and you know that as a woman. If you have a funny feeling he aint shit, please wear a condom, dental damn, spermicide but remember nothing is 100 percent. But if this bum doesn't want to get the test, get the authorities involved. Like my other post about women hitting men (call the cops) don't get your hands dirty ladies. And if one thing I do know, cops love dealing with bums and no good ass men, love it. And when you find out if it is his or not, if it is get your child support ask him to be in the kids life, because guess what its his desicion to be in the kids life or not, so dont expect them to become super man over night, especially if the man already has a family and you where the little on the side. And if he is not the father, humble yourself and do some detective work and remember what you hopped on. You are not a ho in any manner, but you will be look at as one. Fellas, claim your kids, some dudes and ladies aint blessed enough to have any. So matter how many kids you have look at them as a blessing and be there, a phone call wont kill you.
Logic: Bring back the good cartoons, or someone buy the box set and we can have a bowl of cereal like back in the day and watch the cartoons 90's style. Bring back good talk shows, have some positive issues on these shows, I'm tired of the triffling ass people on these shows just making lose all faith in the human race. And get tested for everything, keep your drama to your drama, not the worlds ( I know these shows are atleast 50% fake but still) Ladies be what you are, A LADY, and carry yourself as one. Just because you got knocked up by a bum doesn't mean to lower yourself to his level. Fellas, dont give any female any reason to ask you for this test, or to act crazy. and if you got the skins and she comes to you asking for a test, dont act crazy, if shes paying do the test, and if it is yours be a man because child support sucks!
BuGg LoGiC

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