Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Interracial, Stereo Types, And Racial Pride (does it make any sense?)

Interracial, Stereo Types, And Racial Pride (does it make any sense?)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 9:54am
Being proud of race.
You can't be proud of something you didn't have any say so of making. I will never say I'm proud to be black, I can be happy that I am, not proud. How the hell can you be proud being born a race? Answer me that. You should only be proud of yourself as a person, not a color or heritage. I'm proud of what I do. Its those people that have so much pride in their race or heritage to the point of biggotry and racism that I have a huge problem with. Just like those dads that want thier daughters only to date that thier race. " My daughter is gonna marry an Irish man." You are a tool, you porcupine's butthole. When people immagrated to this country, the mixing and migling started. In "Gangs of New York" there was a line "a jig doing a jig" or a half black half irish kid doing a dance. This has been going on for years. You don't exactly know what the hell you are! Thomas Jefferson was stirring the coffee for a minute remember. He had a black mistress for years (hey everything goes good with chocolate). So don't say you are a pure anything because youre most likely not. Hell, I keep finding out different things every year about my race structure, Im just plain confused! For those guys that want their offspring to date or have relations inside thier own race, i hope they marry someone completely outside their race and have some little half breed grandchildren running around terroizing everything, I really do. Another point, I think Multicultural-race people are some of the most beautiful people on the planet. Tell me one man who wouldn't get with Halle, Alicia Keys, Cassie Ventura, Amerrie, and if you can tell me any man who wouldn't, then he is gay! Matter of fact, even some gay guys will break out of the homo shell to get wih Jessica Alba! Ladies, don't even front, Shemar Moore, Derek Jeter, Blake Griffin(great last name by the way) back in the day it was Freddie prince Jr, tell me if one of the dudes walked up to you the drawers wouldn't just shoot off, tell me, I dare you cuz you going straight to hell because it would be a bold face lie. You cant elll me mixed people aint beautiful. Take for instance, Jennifer Lopez. "But Bugg she is puerto rican?" what do puerto ricans originate from? largely the descendants of Europeans, TaĆ­no, Africans or a blend of these groups which has produced a very diversified population. LIKE OMG, puerto ricans are a mix of people?! yes, so are dominicans and black americans (not african americans, we were not born in africa! Our roots start here in the USA!) Black americans have alot of native american and white in the blood line, Like I said before, slave owners dipping in the chocolate. Thats why you can tell the difference between and African and a Black American most of the time (regarldless of me wearing a dashiki). Then that brings me to stereo types. Have you been the only person at a party of get together of your race or culture? People start the talking and asking you stupid questions" Why do black people love chikcen so much? Why do black people eat so much watermelon? Why do black people use coacoa butter instead of regular lotion?" One: everyone loves chikcen! dont care who you are, you like chicken, Two: I dont eat watermelon like that, so i dont know that answer. Three, the lotion thing I dont really know, it smells good and im not as ashy or dry skinned when i put it on, its a damn miracle! It's not like cracking jokes at work" Hey Bugg, did your gangster ass steal a TV today" Ha Ha, did you pull a Bernie Madoff and imbezzle alot of money from a company (look up the reference). It was serious ass questions! That's what made me mad! All people have stereo types: spanish women and tempers, asains and their docileness, black people and thier attitudes, mexicans with rice and beans, white people and them secretly ruling th world dont act like your race or culture doesn't have a stereo type, most likely I'm making fun of it!
What does that tell you? One that a penis has one eye and poor vision (why can't the human race?), two: that a womans body can hold a life of any race! AND Three :you cannot stop the stirring of the races you proud idiots! And you proud bastards (the ones that you wouldn't let your daughter date me because i was black) I hope you have Halfrican grandchildren and they eat all the chicken and watermelon and tap dance to make your worst nightmare come true! Make fun of the stereo types, it does two things: Opens peoples eyes not to play into the stereo type and it bring people together through laughter. If you can't laugh you sure is hell aint living. And love the person for WHO they are personality and spiritually wise. Everyone was made different so there could be no perfection
BuGg LoGiC

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