Wednesday, August 31, 2011

skinny jeans, Swag, Catch phrases

Skinny jeans, Swag, Catch phrases

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Thursday, August 4, 2011 at 12:16pm
Skinny jeans and gangster...Stop it doesnt exsist! You wanna act hard nigga while you are wearing pants that i can see all the change in your pocket?! Thats like a nigga walking up with fur boots throwing up gang signs! When NWA was wearing jeans, yes the were not like the 90's and early 2000's where it was so baggy that you could sweep the floor with the hem of the pants, but it was not to the point wear you felt the pulse in your penis for the majority of the day. And on top of that you wanna wear big shoes with them! I remember when you had to tuck in the bottom of your pants into your socks so they wouldnt get dirty on the way to school, but when your pants automatically come into your pants, thats a problem. Real gangsters dont where tight pants, they need room to hide things: guns, drugs, weapons and or stolen merchandise. Guys wearing skinny acting hard...yall are fags, go to some real gangsters and learn some ways. I honestly know punk rockers that are harder than you. The whole 80's shit is getting out of hand, the loud shirts and snap back hats, I under stand that time and history repeats itself, but this whole "its my swag" crap and saying swag or some dumb ass catch phrase after every damn sentence you say, you sound stupid and slow! People talking about cookies and shit " Man these chocolate chips are hitting the spot...SWAG!" WHAT? Why are you saying swag after something that has nothing to do with swag. Ima just start saying booty after everything! Man I just painted my house...BOOTY! Shut the hell up! You know crazy people do shit like that!? Willy the wino, yes there is one on every block in every town, he may be the town drunk and say some shit like this," Well can you spare some change,PENIS, i could really use a meal" Do you really thing people are going to take you seriously saying some dumb shit like swag or yee after everything you say? Kill yourself. Speaking about swag, I lhave none, Nigga I am my own man. These cookie cutter gangsters wearing skinny jeans, snap back hats, and bright colors, with skater shoes (and yall dont even fucking skate, yall kill me with that shit!) talking about " That nigga is bitting my swag" what because he is wearing the same shirt from the same store with a band on it that you dont even know nor listen to you fad fag! I wear what i want, i listen to what I want, people that follow fashion or either broke, spoiled, miserable, fake because they are keeping up a so called "life style" that works on your confidence and makes you superficial idiot.
Logic: Tight pants and trying to be hard, stop, fucking stop. Stop stealing your moms pants that she is wearing because of her mid life crisis. Stop sounding like a retard with the catch phrases like you have fucking terets! Its not swag, its a fad, its not a life style, its a fad so that means live your life by you not by tv or magazines, you'll live longer and have more money in your pocket.
BuGg LoGiC
BuGg LoGic

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