Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Women and thier hands (Argument about Chris Brown and Riahnna, is it ok to hit anyone and not expect retaliation?)

Women and thier hands (Argument about Chris Brown and Riahnna, is it ok to hit anyone and not expect retaliation?)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 12:07pm
Women and thier hands
Ladies, stop putting yourself in a position where you might get your ass whooped. What do I mean? Daring a man to hit you or beat on a man and expect no retaliation. To me this is stupid, equal opportunity is equal opportunity, women want equal rights they should take lumps like a man when they start an altercation or just plain BS. If you reply a woman can do anything a man can do, then take your ass whoopin if you want to fight a man like a man! I asked a few ladies this morning young and old about thier look on men fighting back when a woman strikes them. 3 out of 5 women around my age said, no. so you mean to tell me it is ok for a woman to stab a man in the back and he still shouldnt put his hands on you..."Yes, a man, in any circumstance should never hit a woman"...If you agree with this, save us all some time and drink some drano and fall in a hole in the forrest. 1 slightly older woman said," Well...whats the situation? A man shouldn't hit a woman because she slapped him, but if he is in fear for his life, sure but just enough to stop her." Ok, I can see that, I can but what if one hit is not enough? Some people get Jason like qualities and keep coming after you stabbed him 30 times. At last the older woman said, " Yes! If a woman has the balls to hit someone 130 pounds over them and has grown up like a boy: fights, rough housing, football, she better be ready to fight like a man!" Thank you ma'am. I am not saying it's ok to hit woman for no good reason, Im just saying dont be a damn hypocrite and say well man shouldnt put hands on us but its ok to put hands on them. On another note there are man beaters...yes don't act like they aren't. You hit a man for 20 minutes for nothing and he doesnt hit you back is a damn fool and deserves it. Ladies stop daring a man to hit you, finger in his face and saying some stuff like" YOU AIN"T GONNA DO SHIT NIGGA! I DARE you to hit me! You will get your ass whooped, I aint no regular bitch!" Look unless you are wonder woman, lady marvel or Serena Williams you are a regular bitch that will get tossed about like a rag doll against a pitbull. Some times even with a weapon you probably wont win. And if a man is walking away, let him! Repeat, let that man walk away from you, some one has to be the adult! Dont follow him around, mushing the back of his head hitting him and not expect a back hand! Its a reaction! And when you get hit dont say this crap" I can't believe you hit did that" I can completely believe it! Would you go to a grizzly bear, punch it in the face and dare it to eat you?! NO! Then why do it to a grown man? Fellas, if walkin away dont work,three words... cal...l the... cops, you are not a bitch, you are smart. Call the police. You hit her you will fry, she hits you, you call the authorities you are free and watching the game in peace!
Logic: Laides, start working out, lift weights, take some boxing classes, get on your Jenifer Lopez in "Enough" ( by the way, great movie) if you want to put yourself in a position of getting your ass handed to you.
Fellas, walk away, run, call the police, you are not a bitch you are smart! Dont feed into her, you will lose 100% of the time
BuGg LoGiC

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