Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Internet Gangsters, Thugs, Secret Societies and Conspiracy Theorists (Please, buy a bus ticket to hell)

Internet Gangsters, Thugs, Secret Societies and Conspiracy Theorists (Please, buy a bus ticket to hell)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Monday, July 25, 2011 at 1:23pm
Secret Societies, Conspiracy Theorists, and Internet Gangsters
This crap is an epidemic and needs to STOP! A few months ago a friend of mine posted that they were with someone who put and all seeing eye hand symbol in the air at a club. Please let a truck run over your torso, reverse, and do it again! If the illiminati (the enlighten and all seeing) secret society is suppose to be i dont know...SECRET...I highly doubt they want there symbol being thrown up in a public place, you Jackass! The illuminati where a group of people that thought outside the social, political, and religious norm, they were first. They were they're own people, they lived to be different. But now these people have been associated with extremist groups, satanic religious groups, and our entertainers ie singers, dancers, actors pretty mucn people with alot of money. Even president Obama. First he was a communist, then a socialist, and even some articles say he is a Satanist for putting up a HOOK 'EM horns symbol. For those true illuminati all I have to say is eat a pinnacle of draco (please look up this reference), your society is not secret, you can find it on the internet with all your rules, regulations and ranks. And for those conspiracy thoerist that think everyone that has money or some sort of wealth is illuminiti and has sold there soul, get off your broke ass and stop saying crap like that. Just because you are broke doesn't mean that everyone with money has sold their soul, get off your ass and get a job you lazy paranoid bastard. I don't believe in secret societies, that means you have a plot for something big and something to hide. Now drinking beer with your buddies and talking polotics is fine, but when you have plots to overthrow governments and put your ogranization secret at top positions in companies, house of representatives, senate, ect yall are wusses. And this leads to you internet thugs and gangsters. Stop, just stop. What is the first rule of being a gangster....silence...Shut the hell up you fake internet bangers. To all the real gangsters that are sick of when someone "fake" comes at you and they have knowledge of your gang. You know why they have this info?....Because fakes and snitches put it up there! "Whats poppin slime, What's craccin cuz, its all about that 5, naw its all about that 6" Yall putting all the secrets and codes and lingo on the internet for everyone to see you morons. I thought this was for gangsters only, not the world! Real gangster dont have face book, you know why, they are on thier grind 24-7-365. They dont need 600 friends, because they trust no one, a way you have to be in this game. And quit actin tough. Yeah you're wearing a bandana, throwing up signs on face book, bet you wont do it in public! Sorry, if you are part of a gang, you do not care who is around, you will get your ass whipped for representing your set. So if you aint about it, stop, real gangsters will be at your front step! Lemme give you an example of a internet gangster/thug Some time ago I was defending a friend on facebook, and this guy was like " Hey , its none of your business" ....Really? You and I are on a publicly traded forum of ideas and free speech (so for those who air there dirty laundry on facebook, thank you, it makes for good reading) and you are gonna tell me its none of my business....Drink some gasoline and eat a lit match you internet Nimrod. How you going to talk all sorts of crap when you are on a keyboard? Then this fool told me after I told him its public now, so you cant talk, his reply was" Why dont you shut it for me bitch!" Now, I ate that you know why, IM GROWN! I dont need to entertain this idiot. This dude was 40 years old talking like he's a O.G. on the block, just quit. Because I was standing infront of him, he would say that, because he is infact soft like hot marshmellows on hot foil. And you know who you are, if you want give me your address, a time to meet you and next time I'm in that area you can "shut me up" ( and I really do mean that). I admit I am a hoodlum, I am a 23 year old hell raiser, outspoken and second to none in my own mind, but I dont sit there and claim online, or do gang lingo, because whether you like it or not, jobs look at these profiles, and recently it aint to hard to hack facebook. You think police are finding you because your "hot in the streets or on the block" nope! Its facebook, blogs, and profiles, so to all you 5's and sixes with gang affiliation on the internet, someone knows and it can bite you in the ass one day.
Logic: Secret societies are dumb and have something to hide, Even the klan doesn't hide their faces anymore. Conspiracy theorists, not everything is conspiracy, just because I win the lotto does not make me Illuminati. Internet thugs and gangsters, if you are real, delete your face book and get on the block like you claim in your status.
*note: if I dont post anything by monday, that means i have pissed someone off and I am wearing cement boots in the bottom of a lake
BuGg LoGiC

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