Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Turned gay ( this is not gay bashing, just fake gay bashing, enjoy)

Turned gay ( this is not gay bashing, just fake gay bashing, enjoy)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 10:47am
Turned Gay, This does not exsist in my book! I hate when people say "I was turned gay or lesbian" Shut the hell up! It's impossible. No one forced you to be gay! No one forced you to like the same reprodutive organs that you currently have! Take for example, rape in prison, these men get out of prison after years of abuse, sexual molestation against their will, and they will say "That may of happened but I'm not gay....the only thing that changed about me is the size of my butthole." Ladies dont say because all men are dogs that maybe the other sex will treat you better...just hop skip and jump your happy self off a bridge. " Ugh, I can't find a man, ugh im to ugly too be with a man, ugh a woman will treat me better" The hell she will! Look at a show called "The L Word" I have a friend just like Shane. Give Shane 15 minutes, 2 drinks, 1 dance she is getting more play than Derek Jeter at a Yankee game. Afterwards Shane vacates, gets a cup of coffee and you never see the girl that Shane got some from in another episode after that. So the thoery that the same sex will treat you better is complete BS! People are People and there are dogs in both sexes. Stop trying to find a way around life and deal with it. Stop with the bi curious crap, you either had these thoughts before or your trying to get attention! sorry that is how I feel. Bi sexuals are greedy, so if they cant get some from the opposite sex, they can get some from the same sex, greedy plain and simple. At least gays and lesbians knew they were homosexual for a long time, some werhe ashamed at first in the closet but now its all good, they let it hang out. I respect real gays and lesbians, because guess what , they dont care!
Logic: Stop lying to yourselves that you got turned gay, either you're loney, or attention grabbing Bar-sexuals (acting gay at straight bars to get attention) and for those people please commite to traditional Japanese sacraficial suicide with a dull katana blade!. No matter what if you are straight there is someone for you of the opposite sex, stop stealling real homosexuals from real gays and lesbians that deserve real conpanionship. Remember the grass is not always greener on the other side.
BuGg LoGiC
Chi town

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