Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Religion, Accidents, 100 Percent

Religion, Accidents, 100 Percent (If I am struck down by lightning God has no sense of Humor!)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Monday, August 1, 2011 at 7:58pm
Religion is not bad on its own, but organized religion not so good (im probably going to hell for this). I think religion should be a series of ideas, ideas can be changed, organized religion is law. And the way this stuff is written it makes me sick, you mean to tell me that Jesus died a virgin? Or magically turned from 12 to 30? Give me a break, Jesus was a man, an extrodinary man, but a man. How would you feel if you missed all of your 20's and had to die for a people who didn't care about you and till this day some people still don't care. Remember folks the bible was written by man, man is fallable (able to fall). Women are made out to be evil, you know original sin, head of John the baptist ( I think all women are evil to a point, they control all men whether we like it or not) but some of the best and loving people are women, they house a life and when a child hurts themselves they call for mommy. Now here are just a few things I cant get passed basic logic!: Catholosism, to me I like the whole idea that everything is black and white with no grey. But due to human nature all together we are both good and evil. Dont believe me, dont you just wanna smack your boss, child, significant other, parents? Wrath. Has some one gotten your drawers wet just by looking at them and imagine something? Lust. A little mad someone that you dislike is doing a little better than you or has something you want or the asshole that is dating the person of your dreams. Envy! Everyone has felt this at least once in there life time. And you must confess your sins to a man! What the hell happened to talking to god! God said, "Come to me, and I shall carry your burden" not this this man, he has his own life and own worries. And due to catholic rule you just might burn right. As a mormon, you cannot have anything that is mind altering: cigarettes, soda, even rated r movies...I say ney to this, I love movies and people that let movies influence them to kill need to beaten savagely by bunch of no-named actors. Its entertainment, not a sin. Muslims cant eat pork, due to it is a filthy disgusting animal. The first thing as a human, I want to survive! You but a pile of fried desert rats after not eating anything for a week, I tell you one thing, you wouldn't see one rat left. Number two, bacon is fucking delicious. Here is what god wants you to do, and this is just me My secret to life is: you eat to live, to sleep to give you more energy to live the next day, you shit, well no one likes to be constipated, and you have fun without deliberately hurting anyone( due to you are gonna hurt someone no matter what, sorry thats life) because accidents can be forgiven. Now accidently falling on a penis or falling into vagina that you shouldn't falling into, thats different. "it was an accident! Im sorry! I was really vuenrable at that time!" Nope you made conceince decision to do that and if it messes up your relationship, hey tough titty. I hate it when people say, it was an accident. BE REAL! You were horny, you wanted to get yours and you got it, dont be mad when it comes back to bite you in the ass. Fellas when your girl asks "did you have sex with one of my friends?" Please own up to it, no matter what its gonna be bad, she already knows from your friend. Because the friend knows how your dick looks like. No matter what its not gonna be good for you, if it was before or after, especially if it you introduced her to this girl to be friends. You will be surprised on how much this shit happens. All she is gonna wanna do is kill the other girl you gave the nasty to. That leads me to the phrase "keeping it 100". No one does so shut the hell up. Women especially, like Ive said before, women can hold secrets till their death bed and wont tell a soul, it is truly between her and god. If a person kept it 100 with you or even 65 percent, no one would be with anyone. Some people can handle the truth about themselves, what in the blue hell do you think they can handle your screwed up ass? If you admit to a man that you where a ho, shit you just lost a potential boy friend or gained a pimp! If you admit to a woman that you were a dog and slept with any girl that was willing, you have just been labled a dog and she is gonna tell all her friends who is gonna tell their friends and you shall be getting no booty at all unless you pay for it (because even some hos wont fuck with a dog...funny how that works huh).
Logic: Dont challenge God, challenge what has been written, if it was written by man, man most likely put something he wants in there, sometimes logic goes over organized religion. Accidents, everyone has them, but remember, God gave you free will and logic, use it, it might save you a little ass chewing or heartache in the future. If you are gonna keep it 100, keep it 100, if you are a ho, dog, slob, criminal, or just plain asshole admit it, if the person likes you for you it really shouldn't fucking matter. I may say stuff that pisses people off...I dont give a fuck, as god said to moses ," Who gave man mouth?!" God did, not you so Ima say what the fuck I want.
BuGg LoGiC

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