Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cheating and Secrets (all dudes better read and learn, I did the research) remeber, just my thoughts on things thats all

Cheating and Secrets (all dudes better read and learn, I did the research) remeber, just my thoughts on things thats all

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 9:50am
Men cheat due to physical pleasure, women cheat mostly out of emtion. Lemme explain. Men cheat to achieve an orgasm, thats it thats all. It may be due to a sex dryspell they they are in due to them fucking up and the booty has been put on hold at the top shelf where they cant reach by their lady or them just being a dog or simply because the woman doesn't want to. 9/10 the man fucked up or is being a dog. Ladies men are animals, repeat ANIMALS. They will seek booty no matter the consequence: their lady finds out, getting burned (STD), the other woman getting pregnant, it is what it is. A woman cheats out of emtion: anger, lonliness, spite or they are so emtionally unfilled they get filled physically. Fellas, 9/10 women cheat because of you, YOU! And they are good at it. If you hear the phrase after you cheat , "Do you baby, Cuz IMA DO ME" Run nigga run save yourself the heartache. And you being the man, Im not gonna let her go, you beg and plead for her to take you back and she does and she says this," Dont do it again, I love you , and you belong to me." ...But she dont belong to you. By this time she has or is going to fuck her ex, a close male friend, someone she is safe with or some one across town outta town in a job feild you dont work in. Learn something from these niggas because they know the value of silence! Your dumb ass wants to talk all damn day about ole girl you busted down to your boys. Remember 1/5 of your boys is an informant aka snitch to your lady, not because its the right thing to do, because he wants to get with her. Ho ass niggas, they exsist. And after she does her dirt she either will tell you or she wont. Women are like fort knox with a seal team gaurding it, nothing in or out unless she wants to let it be known. So fellas when you fuck up again as always like: crashing her car, losing your job, caught a court case the intial argument will be about that topic but it circles around to you cheating. When it gets heated she will say something like" And thats why I fucked (ex, the friend, or ole boy) BOOM BOOM baby! what do you have to say about that!?" AAAANNND there goes your manhood. Or she wont tell you, so when you talk all that shit about her to her face she can smile. Why? Because she remembers when she was getting busted down and your dumb ass just doesnt know. She is saying, "This nigga is dumb, I gave up the goodies and it was great, this nigga dumb." Guess what, you are! Remember ladies, there are men that are as devious as you, those niggas are dangerous! Men aren't the only ones who can be fools. Logic: Fellas, if you are going to cheat think of the consequences, and your pride is the one thing that it takes time to get back. Ladies, if you do some "get-back-at" cheating the same can happen to you, then there will be two fools in the court and everyone is laughing at both of you.
BugG LoGic

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