Wednesday, August 31, 2011



by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Friday, July 22, 2011 at 10:37am
Comparing the past and the present (Im not your ex, stop comparing me dammit)
This is to everyone, stop comparing your current lover/spouse/or fling to your ex. It really is annoying as hell. You have been with this person for years now and you've been sharing your bed, money, even children in certain cases with this person, and you are trying to piss them off. Thats just saying you are with them just until you have a chance to get back with your ex or upgrade. Suck on an exhaust pipe! The reason they are your ex because A) You broke it off with them or B) They left you for whatever reason. Stop living in the damn past. Dont be mad because they upgraded from you! They got some one that doesnt give them hell 24-7-365! You messed up. Now you want to make another person's life miserable because you want something you cant have. I'm not perfect, nor am I gonna be a carbon copy of your ex, Im not them. In some cases your ex was a dirtbag! Constatntly using you, your car(especially to go see someone else), your money, treat your kids like crap, but they had some good qualities about them...."they spent quality time with me" They had no damn job! I would have alot of time on my hands too! "They always had good weed or buy me great things" Yes because they used your money to get it, if it is someone else's money, who the hell cares about price!? Oh, here is the best one, " They where there when my dog died"....what?...Really? I've been doing everything for you and putting up with you because I love you but of all things to compare me to is he was there when your dog died.....Cover yourself in fish guts and jump in a barrel of parhanas you ungreatful bastard. They probably didn't like the damn dog in the first place. Please stop putting past relationship problems on you current lover, STOP! Just because they (your ex) crashed your car and you drive a hoopty with no divers lisence doesnt mean the current one will. And in that case get with somebody that has their own can, lisence, insurrance. A little background check never hurt Inspector Gedget! And if your ex is better than your current lover/spouse/companion stop complaining. There is a reason they are your ex, you chose to be with them and that was your own doing. Like those dudes that go to the military, they knew what they where doing to get in that situation, no one forced them (except for the judge). It wasn't and arranged marrige! This was not pre-determined to happen it was all you, God gave you free will and YOU used it. And you chose to suck at life and all its splender. Remember there is no perfect man or woman. So stop chasing something that you are to slow to catch. Also comparison of old to new can make a good lover go find something that is more worth while than you, I applaude these people because they used there brain and left instead of staying in a vortex that you created and sucking them in to pain and anguish. Your friends may be the first ones to snatch up your lover because they can see with unclouded eyes of what is a good thing, and your blind ass can see two feet infront of you. Dont be mad at your friends either, they upgraded and you didn't, OUCH!. Then you look like a fool, jackass, dummy, or just plain idiot. Its like throwing away an unscracthed lotto ticket, just plain stupid, and someone wins the jack pot while you are B-R-O-K-E!
Logic: If you cannot stop comparing your current to your ex, you need to be alone. Humble and find yourself before you dare suck somebody into your messed up life! Give somebody else a chance for a good thing, cuz obviously YOU dont need it. If you are gonna compare some one to your ex, focus on the good! Like I said there is a reason they are your ex and you need to find the qualities that the current has that is better than the ex instead of the bad you. Because I'd rather be happy and alone then together and miserable!
BuGg LoGiC

la araƱa es gorda

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