Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Old school parenting, Ninja asswhoopins, and Grown ass kids!

Old school parenting, Ninja asswhoopins, and Grown ass kids!

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Friday, August 12, 2011 at 11:32pm
Oh I remember the days of living with my parents, I remember when I couldn't leave my street and go in the house when the street lights came on. Now kids go missing, molested, fucked up all sorts of ways because parents aint parents! You get your kids a cell phone doesn't mean that they are safe and you dont know what the hell they are doing or where. You where kids once you know what they hell we did, sneek out, sneek people into your mom's house and did your nasty, doing shit we were told not to do. Kids are going to be kids, understand that, because if you don't you my friend are going to have a loooong parenthood ahead of you. I you can do your best with the way you know, but if you know its wrong dont do it. You know its wrong to break a kids arm if they spill a glass of milk! But if they set the family cat on fire and they just get a talking too, please take a sledge hammer and beat your skull in. You have to find a happy medium with raising and disiplining your children. My mom had a rule " If you fuck up, you get fucked up" plain and simple. I cussed a teacher out, I get fucked up, I punch a whole in the wall, I get fucked up! I went to the next street over where my mom couldnt see me, I get fucked up and the people I was with getting fucked up!(all parties are guilty till proven innocent!) People its called the wire: You get caught fucking up by a friend of a friend of you mom sister, it travels back to your mom, then the ninja ass whoopin comes. The ninja ass whoopin was you did something and your mom knew and you didnt know she knew and that ass whoopin comes out of no where! Or you get the pre ass whoopin talk, you still dont know that she knows what you did, and soon as you walk in the house," Soooooo, what did you do today?" Your reply nothing, went to school, at a home boy's house. And you notice furniture is just moved around where there is more space in the living room and your mom aint wearing her work clothes, she's wearing sweats, an old ass tshirt, and some nikes...that is your ass! And you know you did something wrong take that ass whoopin and go on with your life. That is parents being parents, and thats what you need to be, PARENTS! You are not these kids friends, you are the person who is going prepare them for life. I'm happy the way I was raised, my mom was a mom and now she is a friend, because my black ass is out her house. Ive been doing my grown man shit for years, and I plan to keep on doing it. You people that are over the age of 22 and you still with you parents, put a leash on your neck and learn how to roll over because you are in your parents house, they pay the bills and made that house a home and you fuckers have the nerve to complain about how you have no freedom...go be a bum that is ultimate freedom, no rules, can talk to yourself and people leave you alone. But you bitch made fuckers say" oh my god, my mom gets pissed when I come home late" I would be too! Come to my house drunk at 3 am and break my shit and I gotta be at work in 2 hours, fuck you! I have all rights to fuck you up, in my house, in the bed paid for you are sleeping in. And I blame the fucking parents because some parents let these grown ass people stay on the titty...fuck you too you punk ass parent!
Logic: You know if you have good parents, listen to him, and if you dont have good parents you still know right from wrong, If you were molested as child you no damn well not fuck with little kids! Treat others like you want to be treated, easy! Take your ass whoopins, those ass whoopins teach you right, wrong, and keep you out of bull shit you shouldnt be doing in the first place. And if you are grown still living with your parents and still complaining about your parents move out! If there is will there is a way, I moved out and was gone, I lived on a ship, but I had my own space! Its just like people that dont vote and complain about the president, bush obama clinton, you didnt vote, You have noooooooo say so in shit just like you have no say so in your parents house if you live there past the age of 22.
BuGg LoGic

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