Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bathroom pictures, club pictures and Club banging

Bathroom Pictures, Club pictures, and Club banging (This will save you guys alot of time and money)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Monday, August 29, 2011 at 4:29pm
Ladies, please stop taking pictures in the bathroom at clubs or gas stations right before you go out! You know whats the first thing that comes to mind when ever yall do that" Damn they must of let out the hugest shit to fit in that dress" Yes I think the worst, what else do you think ima think? That is classy taking a picture in a 7-11 bathroom with stains on the wall and toilet paper on the ground. Now if you take one in your bathroom at your own home thats cool because, hopefully you clean your fucking house. That is the last place I would want to take a sexy pic, have you seen they guys restrooms at the Texaco?! Fucking gross! Literallly shit smeared everywhere, boogers on the mirrors, blood from the fist fight that was outside about 30 minutes ago, why in the hell would you do that? Oh please stop this madness!
And pictures at the club, ladies yall are notorious for this shit. One thats all you want to do at clubs is take pictures and ignore the whole reason you and your friends drank for 4 hours and say some shit like" Im gonna find me a man tonight!" Its all bullshit because all I see is, pictures with the whole hand on the hip, or smoochy face when you pucker up your lips due to the fact you dont have big lips that you want. Then the hypocritical part, you want to take pictures with guys that are hot or cute but if your man takes a picture with on female that thinks your man is cute that is a death sentence for him! "Oh Ima find this bitch, she fucked with the wrong womans man!" You retarded jackass, you just did that shit yesterday with another womans man! But its ok for yall to do it because"I have no temtation when Im at a club" No you do fucking temptaion at a club, its your loney man hating friends that keep you in check! Because if you go out by yourself and you get drunk off your ass and that hot and bothered feeling comes you are gonna get some penis, Hell or high water! Because that picture may end up in the no panties situation, and you know that, thats why you spend your whole time taking pictures of them press on nails, bootleg gucci, and that ed hardy for her that you got on sale for 20 bucks at hot topic.
That brings me to my final topic club banging
Club banging is getting a little outplayed by now. What do you do when you go to a club? Fellas try to get ass and Ladies dont want to be bothered...Fellas give that shit up and ladies please stop that shit! Fellas all you are gonna do is buy 150 dollars worth of drinks for the female you're making to and all her punk ass friends, then once you think you sealed the deal the cock block comes in and says" No, she is leaving with us!" To the cock block, bitch this dont concern you, this between me and your friend and you wouldn't be feeling good if it wasn't for my drinks that I GAVE to you! Your homegirl is a grown ass woman and can make desicions for herself, you should not be her concience, she is an adult and to be an adult you learn by experience! Ladies, if you dont want to be bothered, stay at home! That easy, you and your man hating friends can talk shit and take pictures at home with a bottle of wine and a bad chick flick! Why were some shorts where your have you ass is hanging out and having your titties looking like a fat man's sweat butt crack covered in glitter and you already know men are simple horny creatures and you know for a fact we are going to be out and you "dont want to be bothered" You do want to be bothered, thats the truth, you want to have that power over men even though you have a good man at home, but you want another mans approval, make any sense to you?
Logic: Public bathroom pictures are gross, just fucking gross, Ladies do not have a double standard when it comes to pictures and you know that is the only reason you are going out, just to change your profile picture on your facebook! Club banging is dead, you buy a 200 dollar outfit that is going to get ruined or not gonna be a complete outfit by the end of the night ie (women taking off your high heels, and dudes getting your forces scuffed the fuck up) And spend another 100 dollars or more on drinks, when you could of gone to a hole in the wall bar and met someone more down to earth without spending 300 or more dollars.
BuGg LoGiC
I feel you spidey...i feel you

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