Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Big shirts/skinny jeans, self expression and penis pleasers

Big shirts/ skinny jeans, self expression, and penis pleasers

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 8:33pm
Niggas please listen, stop wearing skinny jeans and big shirts! it makes no sense, it doesn't match, and it makes you look pretty gay, the kinda gay when you pass by a gay guy he would say " well honey thats pretty damn gay" It looks like a damn dress that you would get tossed up in (thats when a guy flips up a girls dress and goes to work). To me thats something a girl would wear around the house, like when a girl wears your favorite jersey with no pants on and all us guys want to do is get under that jersey, that means daddy is going to work! Just turn in your man card and chalk it up to you are a female that wants to get dug into. Fashion is not fashion any more, its peoples "freedom of expression". What the fuck ever! Wearing a malcom X shirt doesnt mean your muslim or fighting a cause, its a damn shirt. Because you wear a shirt that says I hate obama or bush is not expressing yourself its just saying to a person you dont know you are a close minded dick face whos ass is so tight if I stuck a lump of coal in up there you would squeeze out a fucking diamond. You want to express your self, go to the streets with signs and yell and scream, be a congressman and change some shit, these expression shirts need to be burned. If you cant express yourself through your words you are a coward, everyone has the right to be heard and the right to say something. You have free speech for a reason, use it stop being a huge pussy and doing it through shirts and bumper stickers that make people have a prejudgement about you! I know deaf mutes that can express more with words than people that can use there damn mouths! Well some people use there mouths to suck dick on their knees instead living on their feet like a person. Kiss asses can die a slow painful death by bear rape( where a bear has its way with you) I see this shit at work all the time. Just because this person sucks and swallows, they get a one up on you because they make a persons ego feel good instead of showing hard work dedication. I bust my ass every day and do 100 percent at whatever is at hand, and I can honestly go home without a salty sour taste in my mouth. For the people that suck the penis on the regular to get their way do me a favor, let me be your pimp, I will schedule your penis appointments, medical appointments just incase that you get a sore throat or if you get bad knees.
Logic: Dudes, wear things that are proportionate please, you look like female, some body might mistake you for one, ask yourself, would you do that shit in jail like sag your pants? Thought so. Expression shirts need to stop, if you cant express yourself with words or your own mouth or your own art, why are you letting someone else do it for you? Kiss asses and dick pleasers....I hope you cath VD in your mouth, if you cant move up in the world unless you can cater to somebody's ego you will have a long tough life ahead of you because there are only so many penis you can suck until you get old and no one wants you to suck theirs, what do you do then. Live and die on your feet, not on your knees!
BuGg LoGic

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