Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Two faces, images and ass wiping

Two faces images and ass wiping

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 3:53pm
Two faced people, everyone is guilty of it at one time or another but hell, some of this shit is getting out of control! If you have a good friend that doesnt get along with your other friends your automatic action is to keep them seperate right, but that gives you no right to talk bad about that friend to try to fit in with your other friends. If you are a "thug" and you have a square as a friend, be happy you got a friend like that, that friend might: Help you with your taxes, help you get a loan or most of all keep your simple ass out of trouble! But your other friends are like" I dont know why you hang wit that nigga man, he a chump" and if your reply is" man I dunno either man, he is a loser, but I guess i feel sorry for them" You are bitch made! That is your friend, he is that nigga that is there when your homies leave you twisted in the wind, or broke! Why dont you just grab your ankles and let your "home boys" just run a train on you because they are fucking you out of a good friend! Women are notorious for this shit! Just because a friend of your friend looks better than you or doing better, or just for the simple fact doesnt have the same views as you, some of yall will smile in their face and invite them to outings and all you do is talk about them behind their back! As soon as that female you hate leave" You see that shit she was wearing!? That mess is from last year and you know that aint her natural hair color! and did you see that bitches nails!?" Yeah thats yall! because you know if it was you on the other end of the situation, you would hate that shit! Oh, but when you need a favor and those other bitches that you call friends cant come through, who do you call, the bitch you hate because" Oh my man cheated on me, or Im broke I'm tired I need to talk to some one" You are are two faced and fake as foot with 4 big toes!
That brings me to image, time and time again i see something fucking new that makes me angry or someone points it out. People wearing a led zepplin shirt because it matches with thier shoes and you dont even know stair way to heaven! I was at the work and this dude walked up, another brother, and he had an AC/DC shirt on, not gonna lie, he was fresh. But I asked him, hey man whats your favorite song..."Naw man, it just matched the kicks man" I hope some one bashes your head in with a guitar and strangles you with a guitar string! And the barbie girls.....Stop it! Barbie does not exsist! If you are trying to look like barbie she is extremely disproportionate! If she was real she look like a crack head with a boob job...or a thailand transexual which ever works better. And all the pink blush with pink nails, with a pink purse, you kinda look like a stuck up street walker, real talk. And if you are going to do the blush, be concervative with it, you are not part of the fucking circus, You look like a ho who caters to clowns. I understand getting unique with make up, thats not the problem but damn if your eyeliner is past your actual eye, kill yourself. If your lipstick is so bright it look like you sucked off a glow worm, tone it down. If you draw your eyebrows on, stop putting it so far above you eye it looks like someone scared the shit outta you. Yall keep doing this shit, the more shit I talk! And foundation is foundation, it should not look like a mask!
Dudes, please for the love of all that is holy, wipe your ass! Honestly do you just shit and get up? Im in the locker roon at the gym and this dude puts on hit drawers (tighty whities) and they have a streak from the waist band and honestly I dunno where it fucking ended! Real talk I will wipe till nothing is there, wipe like you are trying to start a fire! Or atleast where dark underwear! You cant sit there, about to get some nasty and you take off your pants and she sees your drawers! Either you are getting kicked out or she is running like a fat man running from a salad! During sex, you sweat (if you are doing anything right) and what happens when heat hits shit? The smell spreads and the thought going through her head is" I know that wasnt me! I didnt fart, i didnt even shit today...oh....this nigga is nasty!" You will never see her again, just because you dont know how to use charmin. "But Bugg what if Im in a rush" there is no rush so important you cannot wipe your own ass!
Logic: If you say you are real, be real, two facing is not an option, if you dont like that person you will let it be known, thats only if you are real. If you are going to wear something know what the fuck you are wearing! ladies, you are not barbies, stop trying to be her, you will be dissapointed. Fellas...WIPE YOUR ASSSSSS!!!!!
BuGg LoGiC

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