Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nice guys, Hos, and home wrecking hos

Nice guys, Hos, and home wrecking hos! (YES I SAID IT!)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 5:37pm
ok, you guys that sit there and listen to a females problems after they have been fucked over again and again and OH WAIT, AGAIN and are the person that she comes to cry to all the time....ahem ....Fucking stop. You are not made just for her to come cry to everytime she gets pregnant by an asshole and gets and abortion that you probably helped pay for, and you have secretly loved this girl for years and she wont even give you the time of day because "You arent my type" Fuck her! She doenst deserve you and she deserves whatever comes her way. Ask yourself" Why does she only come around when she has a problem?" Because she doesnt give a furry rat's ass about you or your feelings. And you know what the sad thing is fellas, We will go away for awhile, this girl has a baby or hits rock fucking bottom, and when it gets to that point she wants to be with you because you were always there. If you take her at all, please snip your nut sack off, put a bow around it and just give it to her because you are bitch made! Why is it that people want to go back to something that was good when everything in their life it fucked up. Its just as bad when people go running to God when time gets hard and when things get better its "God? Who is God and what have he done for me?" Fellas because when times get good and they will get good because you are a good dude and you take care of her kid(s) pay her bills and in return what do you get? Ass, that thing you wanted for years that she gave to everybody but you and you were the only one that deserved it! Then, her ex comes back in the picture and plays with her emotions and then she plays you! So you did all this shit that you did, she goes and fucks the dude that made her and your life a living fucking sense! NONE! Guys go find something that is for you. There is a good girl out there for a good guy like you. But be warned, that girl that you were captain save a ho for will come back and throw a monkey rench in your shit quick. "Ive always loved you, I was just scared." or "It just wasnt the right time" Fuck you, for real, You should of loved him for what he did before then and there! Stop letting yourself be a door mat, let her learn on her own. Oh yes to you hos, yes hos do exsist some females just dont want to admit that they are! Ladies dont get me wrong, men are the biggest hos, but a ho will point a finger and call a girl a ho in a minute. Point in the mirror, if you dont know who your baby's father is and you have a pick of more than 2 dudes, you are a ho. If you are fucking your girlfriend's boyfriend or husband, you are a ho! If you have been with more than 2 family memebers of an ex boyfriend you are a ho and want to cause drama within the family ( and you wonder why the family memebers of your ex fucking hate you!) But you wont admit it, because you arent one, just like the drunk on the conrner, hes not an alcoholic....makes a ton of sense right? Home wrecking hos, please hop on a razor sharp dildo and die slow! If you dont think you are please listen: If you know the man is married and has a family and yet you fuck him without a rubber, you madam are a home wrecking ho. If you call this nigga when he is eating dinner with his family or send naked pictures to his cell and you know he has a famliy, you are a home wrecking ho! Non- hos please listen because there is a homewrecker in every group of friends, she doesnt want a guy like yours she wants your guy and she will do every secret ops shit to get what she wants! This ho will befriend your man, she will be on some number exchange status due to"she is a good friend, she wont do anything with him and she will tell me if he does anything" She will say that you are cheating or eating lunch with a ex to your man. She will play with his emotions so damn bad that she will bring the ho out of him, then that is game ladies, and you lost bad.
Logic: Good men, find a good woman, not that bitch that comes around only when she needs " a shoulder to cry on", she will use you like she used you back in the day and probably currently doing, dont change who you are, change the people around you, and the women doing this emotion playing crap with these good dudes, grow up and go fuck up someone elses life! If you are a ho, you are a ho male or female, I would respect you more if you would just admit it, and stop pointing at other women saying that she is a ho, that ho might teach you a thing or two and be your best friend. Home wrecking hos, I dont have to say anything, You reap what you sow and karma is a bitch, a bigger bitch than you!
BuGg LoGiC

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