Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Getting comfortable, Love and Apperance

Getting comfortable in any relatioship is bad, Not talking in the sense in loving a person but one thing Im talking about is apperance. It is never love at first site, it is lust at first sight, there is something about that person physcally that you liked and when that changes, you get pissed right? If your girl had a fat ass and thats what you liked about her, then when you got her and then over time the ass just went away. Then you aregue fuss and fight, and sad thing is its not over if she was drinking water too loud, its from the thing that she lost and what you fell in love with. Ladies its just like when your man stops being the lovey dovey, oh rose pettles and eating your ass, and now he's just that nigga walking around the house! People do get divorced over gaining to much weight, and you know what, I can agree with it! Just because you get commited relationships gives you no right to stop taking care of yourself. "No they need to love me for me" well the person they are in love with is gone and they are wondering if the person they love has been eaten by the person that stands infront of them today! One its not healthy just got gain 30 pounds in 8 months, then you complain about how shit doesnt fit anymore, it is your fucking fault, not theirs because their standards stayed the same for you, but your standards for yourself went down the toilet.
That brings me to not loving yourself. If you supposidly love yourself, then why let yourself get to a point where you hate how you look and how you feel? Thats like having long hair and you love it, then you cut it because you got lazy or not being lactose intoerllerant and drinking milk! Does that make any sense to you? Ok, fellas, you all ways prided yourself in not changing your words for anyone because you didnt care if people caught feelings behind it because in your heart, you know you didnt lie or be something you're not. Why because you get around another group of people or even one person, you switch up your style because of one thing her and one thing there, quit being a bitch, fuck that be you, you made you, not anyone else, you have a choice! Ladies, I know when you get pregnant and after that child things are not the same, but dont blame your weight that you have had for years on your child if your child is 6! You got lazy, admit it! "Well being a mom is a full time job" Yeah, kids gotta go to sleep sometime, and you knew as a parent that your time is not yours anymore, and if you have kids in a committed relationship remember that person matters too, you have to make time for them and they wanna see you at your best. If you say you love this man and you will do anything for them, get on a damn tredmill! And all you do is talk abbout when you were skinny, do something about it! "Well Bugg, Im on birth control that makes you gain wieght" Wrong, it increases your appitite, it may fuck with your hormones but it increases your apitite, its all about your self control! Put down the fork! Fellas, you aint getting off easy, all you do is talking about when you where young and had a six pack and now the only six pack you have is in the fridge and his name is BUD and he is followed up by his friend McDonalds! Its not gay, have a salad and a glass of water every once in a while it wont kill you!
Being in a commited relationship while you are young to me is not a way to go sometimes, when you are young you are full of shit and your eyes are brown, you do not know what you want. Every girl wants a good guy, right? Wrong! They want to change the person. Every young guy wants a good girl right? Wrong they want a girl to sit at home and fuck whenever he feels like it and go do him, thats what every young guy wants! So why, if you know this information, go have have a committed relationship at such a young age when you know there is a strong chance its not going to end the fairytail way. And say if it does last, over time resentment sets in and it sets in hard. Have you seen your grandparents that have been together since 13 and see how they act with eachother" Oh your grandpa aint shit, ive been dealing with him for 65 years!" Key word, dealing with them! You should never want to deal with a person, and if you feel that you are dealing with your significant other at a young age, please end it. It will save you alot of heartache! Thats why people that get together later on with life are more happy, real talk
Logic: You never get comfortable in a relationship, you keep things spicy you try new things, hell have a threesome, you never know what you like until you try. You love your self at all times. period, but dont let yourself go or change something you love about yourself. You take care of you first. If you are young, keep it simple, fuck and wave goodbye. You have a long time before you get to that age where you settle down, why not have fun while you can. Kids no kids, you still have to have time to yourself and be your age, dont rob yourself of your youth
BuGg LoGiC
oh shit!

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