Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Point fingers, Baby drama and Paternity tests

Point fingers, Baby drama and paternity tests (oh people are gonna be pissed at me)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 5:09pm
Dont point any fingers at me and say I'm a fuck up or a bad person because I did something wrong. You need to look in the mirror and point because hell you aint perfect and your life is more fucked up than mine. "Oh my god, did you see what Bugg posted! He is a bad person and he is fucked up!" Really? This is coming from people who are the biggest hypocrits in the world! People air out thier dirty laundry on face book and wanna point fingers at others? Is this not some of the dumbest shit you heard of? "Oh well atleast my man didn't cheat" ...He beats you ,thats why you have pictures from the neck up with heavy make up! "Man, my girls under my finger!" Bull shit, she is under another nigga as we speak screaming his name and she went to go see him in your car! "My man/woman is faithful, they tell me everything" Really? So plese tell me where they are now, call them out of no where and see where they are, go visit them at work and if they aint there, they are on or in someone else or trying to do something you dont want them to do. If you know me, I fuck up, I admit it. Ever since this big shit happen, I stopped saving myself and started blaming myself for my actions and what I have done with my life. Some people cant....ahem let me rephrase, they wont do it because they are pussy ass punks! Just because I bring something to light in my blogs or logic and some one looks at it and puts it to use, dont be mad at me if it affects you! You probably did something wrong in the first place! Look dead in the mirror and say "I blame you!" And when I talk to you guys, I talk to self, I take my own medicine, some of yall are to scared to go see the doctor! Stop blaming others for your problems" Oh the black girls hate me for dating a black guy" Fuck them! You wanted a chocolate man, go get your chocolate man! They dont dictate what dick you taste, YOU DO! "Man these white teachers wont let me succeed" Bull shit stop being lazy, and show them teachers THEY cant beat YOU! Do you blame the crack that made you homeless or the booty you were getting on the side for your woman to kick you out? Nope, blame your self! Oh Jesus I am getting sick of these people with baby mama/daddy drama, Fuckin STOP! It is not like some one was raped in the situation (if it was I apologize). Someone's legs opened, some one went inbetween those legs and boom nine months later a little bundle of joy who is going to have a fucked life due to TWO dumb ass parents! " My baby daddy aint shit" Bitch! You knew that beofre you got with him! "My baby mother said she was on the pill, i didnt use a rubber"...Stab yourself in your pee hole with a burning hot nail so you cant reproduce anymore, there dont need to be any more jack asses like you around! Both of you are the blame and the kid is caught in the middle of it. Ladies, fuck your pride get a paternity test to see if that is your baby daddy, because if you dont like him shit he doesnt have to be there if its not his, because in the end" He aint shit" ! Guys, not that you dont trust your ladies or anything, get a pternity test done! Fuck your pride! There are men that take care of a child for 18 years and the mother will come out of no where and say" He/she might not be yours" You will be going to jail for murder, not because you dont love that child, but this bitch tricked you and made you look like a fool. Women cheat as much as men, they are just better at it!.
Logic: Stop pointing fingers at others when you know it is your fault. It all starts with you, ask yourself, if you made it to the top, would you point in the mirror and say" it was do to other people, not me"?......Thought so! Stop with the baby mama/daddy drama please, it takes two, and it should end with two to make one person a good person that is your baby! Paternity test need to get done, Ladies I know a man should trust you, but we see it every day, women do cheat and that baby is the truth. When the truth comes out its going to be ugly either way, but why wait? Guys, you gotta get those tests done, You will look like Willy DUMB DUMB for atleast 18 years, unless you do some miracle shit like take care of a seed you know is not yours, but you love them anyway as if they were your own, that is some powerful shit and more power to the men that are doing it! For the bickering parents just remember, there are some people that cannot be blessed with a seed of their own, you look at that miracle and be thankful everyday, because some people will never know the joy...
BuGg LoGiC

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