Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lies, Love, and respect

Lies, Love, and Respect

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Saturday, August 27, 2011 at 11:07am
Wiz Khalifa said: Women fall in love with what they hear and men fall in love with what they see, thats why women wear make up and men lie. That is a true statement. Women say they want one thing so when they hear it and its a bold face lie" Naw girl, I aint got herpes"...and now you are burning. Men like what they see, women wear make up high heels and gurdles which: make them have no blemishes, make them taller and make them skinnier, all a lie. Men and women both lie its just a slight difference. Men make up stories like" No, I didnt use your car at all, I was jumped by 13 midgets with mini bats" and the sad thing is a woman will believe it blindly. A woman lies through the physical or by omision. A woman will wear something that has half her pussy hanging out at a club, but it's something she wouldn't wear at her mama's house. And you wonder why guys call women girls at clubs "club rats or Club hos" Or if you catch your lady doing something and she will lie by omision, or she will leave shit out about the situation which can determine how they look" No baby I never slept with him...(*but I did suck his dick*)" And what does the dude do, he says ok and forgets all about the situation or he locks it away in the back of his mind and lets it foster and fester and when his ladie does something wrong he blows up on her and then she retaliates" Oh yeah I didn't fuck him, but I DID SUCK HIS DICK!" And you wonder why some people get hit, that spiteful shit is wrong. And that lie by omision just got your ass slapped! Then that brings me to my next topic: Women love and Men respect. Fellas if you are with a girl and you do love her never say this shit because it will crush her" I have never loved you ever" She will break down and become psychotic and will chop your dick off and through it to some starving pigs never to be seen again. I may be an asshole, but i will never say that, I love my life no matter how fucked up it is, you will have some thin line between love and hate shit going on! Women are capable of some serial killer shit, because all they want is to be loved, and if they dont get that attention, run for cover because the crazy bitch is coming out! Ladies, if you love your man you will never say this" I dont respect you as a man" you will get choked or even worse....ignored! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! Men can be quiet for days and truly not give a fuck, all he will do is sit on his ass have a beer and chill and shut his mouth! I have done this before and boy does it work. Now some dudes, ladies they will choke you, men in the end want respect then love ( sorry, thats what it is). If this man goes through all your shit with you like: your family dis-owns you for dating a black guy, the bitches at your job keep getting on your nerves, you totaled your car and he drops you off everywhere, he goes to the pottery barn or goes shopping with you for any reason besides groceries and he does one thing wrong and you say you dont respect him as a man...Ted Bundy (look him up please) will come out real quick and the cops will be looking for your body somewhere buried under a college campus three states away.
Women listen to what men say and analyze it, dont feed into that shit because thats how you end up in another relationship where you were used, abused, and you gave up anal when you" SWORE TO GOD YOU WOULD NEVER DO" Fellas, stop going to clubs to pick up these women, they are walking talking lies, go to the coffee shop the next day when they are hung over, in their pajama and how they look with without make up, that is the true them and if they are what you want go for it.
BuGg LoGiC
well damn

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