Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Roots, Mini flags, and Conversation Starters

Roots, Mini flags, and Conversation Starters

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Friday, August 19, 2011 at 2:05pm
Me and this guy get in an argument about nationality, I prefer to be called black american because of the simmple fact, im not african nor can I trace back my roots to the "Mother Land"! Sorry it makes no sense to me! I the only time I have been to africa is when I had operations there, but ask yourself this question if you are quote "African American" have you ever been there and found who your relitives are or some niggas that even resemble you?! Thought so! Black people of America are mixed with white, native american, and african of which no records have been kept! I was born here, My roots are in America, My people are from here, I know no one in my family that lived in the Sahara! My ancestors, yes they are from Africa, but my roots start here! I was asked" Well where are your people from do you even know?!" Hell no I dont! I just dont go to Zaire to go visit my uncle ray! Chicago, Mississppi, Texas and all those are in....America and Im HAPPY to be an American, not proud. For that I will not hang a flag in my car or back pack or have a mini flag at my desk at work of the african continent! I asked a Puerto Rican guy why he has that flag in his car, he replies"Its Puerto Rican Pride and I'm proud!"....Put your mouth on the curb and bite the street, Ive said it once and Ill say it again, stop being proud of something you had no control over, you were born a race you didnt pick race and did something for that race or culture. Heritage: 1. Property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance. 2. Valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions, unspoiled countryside, and historic buildings that have been passed down from previous generations and culture you should be proud of (I can be black and go to Italy and learn all Italian ways and that is my heritigae and culture), IM proud of being from the south and the southern upbrining I recieved from 2 hardcore parents, and it was my decision to follow that up bringing. Im sick of the flag crap, I truly am. If a white guy who is of german descent puts a nazi flag in his car on the review mirror and says he proud he is a racists right, no because he is proud of where he comes from in Eastern Europe...see how stupid that sounds? So if you are Irish, do you like to be percieved as a druken idiot? Or if you are french, do yo uwant to be percieved as a wine sucking frog? If you are an Islander or any kind, do you want to be percieved as coming from a third world country and just had to escape it to America? The answer is no, and you know it! And to me that means you are close minded to others if you take so much PRIDE in your race or nationality! At least I dabble in other cultures with food, tradition, dance and IM PROUD to have done it at least once. Just because you are Hatian doesn't mean you cant speak spanish or have a glass or Brugal (Dominican Rum) Just because you are black doesnt mean you cant listen to Black Sabath and talk properly! I love fried catch fish, carne asada the same, I love greek pizza and cant live without sweet and sour pork. If you are so proud of your race only eat your cultures food, only marry inside your race, oh wait, if people did that we wouldnt have Jamicans, or Puerto Ricans, Or Black people because we are all mixed up in some way, stop with the bullshit FORREAL! But dont take the shit too far, if Im at a bar and I ask what are you dont give me this crap " Well im: Irish, Chezck, Polish, Jamican, Japanese......" NO! What are your parents who made you! thats it thats all I want to hear. That's just a convo starter thats it! Because eventually Ima try to get drawers (sorry ladies thats what us guys do!) And if Im talking to you Im talking to you, not your fucking friends, and dont try to "hook me up" with one of your friends you know I will not be interested in. Guys stop starting conversations with drinks (unless she is completely zooted). You have a better chance getting booty sober than drunk, just saying. Read the paper, read books, be well rounded with your conversation, because the last thing a girl wants to hear is about your ex girlfriend and your car that you havent got yet you spineless jackass! Just like BIGGY: what your interest are (if you dont know the song please, beat yourself with a lead pipe until you pass out!
Logic: Im Black....thats it. I did not come here from Africa nor did my grandparents, I have no emidiate descendents of any country in Africa (Not a knock against any body from Africa this is how I feel). Mini flags and this includes the American flags it needs to stop, I dont need to know what culture or race you are I need to know you! Not a flag, not your tattoos of your flag, I need to know you, because you is what counts. And dont gimme that crap "well my country and race is who I am" No, you made you and that is the person I want to meet. Convo starters, come to the table correct, I want to hold a conversation, not make up shit as I go along. Im going to talk to you in a certain way, if I aint your cup of tea I can move on. "what do you do? what kinda of car you drive? where you live at?" are not good conversation starters all those questions mean: A) If you are stripper or not. B)If you are broke or not. C) And if I can go to your neighborhood or not. Secret agendas...gotta love em
BuGg LoGiC

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