Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stupid shit, Postings and Tanning

Stupid shit, Postings and Tanning (JERSEY SHORE MUST DIE!)

by Antoine Bugg Griffin on Thursday, August 25, 2011 at 5:18pm
Please tell me why people dont wear shirts when they are cooking bacon or anything that has to deal with some sort of grease period?! I find it idiotic, but funny, seeing a grown ass man doing the jump back dance when that one pop of grease lands dead on his chest burning his chest hair. And where ther is grease there is a big chance of a fire and what if you are a hairy bastard? One I dont want your chest sweater wearing ass cooking my food, because if a hair falls in it, ima smack you so hard your teeth will click, Two if that fire gets your hair, that is a wrap! I will see you in the burn ward eating some bacon, or hopefully its not your skin that peeled off of you while you where dancing around like a cherokee indian trying to get rain! This is just one of the stupid things i see people do on a regular basis. Just like putting your business on facebook. Oh we are all guilty of it at one time or another but Im specifically talking to people that do it on a regular basis, " I hate my life! My boyfriend cheated on me with my mom, my dog ran away with my baby and I got an STD from Michael Vick" OK please tone that shit down. The world does not need to know that you started your period and you are running heavy or the hooker you were with twisted one of your nuts until its purple. If some people would just look at what they post sometimes and wonder why all of your friends are talking about you, because you are a moron! Remember me talking about hos, ok, so dont put on your page that you dont know who the baby daddy is, that makes you look like a ho there fore everyone will treat you like one (this is only to the people that dont want to be percieved as a ho) Fellas stop saying "Yo son, My baby moms is crazy" Nigga we know, she leaves bombs on her page that will get back around to you eventually, so be the bigger person. Because you say shit like that on your page, what does say?: You cant handle your own shit, if you are a man, you make things work even though your baby's mother may be a fucking psycho. Ladies, we know your man aint shit because he was cheating on you and had another family and everyone else knew except madam look dumb, like wearing snow boots in cali during the summer, you look stupid! As a woman you hold your head up high and you say to yourself" FUCK THAT NIGGA! I dont need him for shit, the only thing I need to do is worry about my damn self!" But no.....what do a majority of you ladies do..."Status update: Well me and Him worked it out, I love him, 4ever" If there was a retard botton on statuses i would push it 300 times to get my point across, yall are retarded and thats what everyone of your friends think, sorry thats just the way it is. Another stupid thing, tanning to the point were you look like a damn purse! I mean what the fuck is wrong with yall?! If you are in the state of Texas or any state that has sun that is hot, you can get a natural tan by walking outside and if you live in a place where you dont get any sun tough titty be pasty! it makes no sense to me to go and sit in a bed that can probably give you cancer, and makes you look like a damn tangerine! Black people, Please stop tanning, you have a year around tan, why in the blue hell are you going to a damn tanning salon, honestly. I have always went by the darker you are the less oporntunity you have ( dark skinned people im just saying the cops go after yall first and you know its the truth) And dont give me that excuse, because it brings the red out in my skin....kill yourself, better yet cover yourself in crisco and sit in a tanning bed for 4 hours and get that nice brown turkey look with burnt skin, you can chill in the burn ward with "lets cook bacon without a shirt" guy!
Logic: If it seems harmful and not a good outlook for you dont do it, like changing a garbage desposal while its on, you might lose a finger or two. The face book post, please by all means keep posting dumb shit, it gives me a reason to make fun of you. And tanning, stop, the shit is bad for you when you purposely go get UV rays blasted into your skins, it can lead to cancer...One more thing: You Jersey shore freak wannabees i hope you all die
BuGg LoGiC
Venom got a little fat

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